
Bodega espectacular

Bodega espectacular
Source: google Natalia Diaz

Vinos excelentes

Vinos excelentes
Source: google Enrique Alonso Ogando

Dehesa de los Canónigos, fiesta entrañable en...

Dehesa de los Canónigos, fiesta entrañable en su 25 aniversario Queremos hacer llegar ala familia Sanz-Cid, nuestro agradecimiento y felicitación por acogernos en su casa, de esa forma tan natural y sincera, haciéndonos participes de sus éxitos. En lo personal con esa familia ejemplar. En el mundo del vino con sus exquisitos caldos. Junto a vosotros y tos los allí reunidos pasamos unas horas inolvidables.
Un abrazo
Ascensión Repiso
Anastasio Salgado

Source: google Veronica Salgado
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About Winery and Wines

Dehesa de los Canonigos is one of the great historic estates of Ribera del Duero, which despite having changed hands on several occasions, has managed to maintain its delimitations virtually intact. The name of religious resonances, which has also remained throughout the years, cames by the link to the clergy, which was the first owner of the estate, since it belonged to the Chapter of the Cathedral of Valladolid, composed of 22 canons, hence its name. It is located within the municipality of Pesquera de Duero and described by its delimitations: on the east by the cañada del Indio; by the west with the meadow that belongs to the Monastery of San Bernardo de Valbuena and on the north by the lands of Valdemadera. Its situation changes in the middle of the nineteenth century with the "Confiscation of Mendizabal" process that affected all the properties of the secular clergy who went on to become national property. In 1842, Toribio Lecanda y del Campo, a Basque businessman acquires the Dehesa de los Canonigos. In 1859 becomes a widow and transferred the property to his son Teodosio Lecanda, awarded architect, who built his house with Basque Country style in memory of his beloved land, today the farmhouse villaje continues as the house of the current owners. Teodosio built a large warehouses, with an architectural structure in "U" shape, used at the beginning as grain storage. These naves nearly of 200 years have been restored preserving the elegance of a meadow and currently are the winecellars of the winery Dehesa de los Canonigos. The winecellar continue maintaining the majestic arrangement of beams and adobe walls of eighty centimeters of density, which is a great insulator to maintain a proper temperature in the ellaboration and aging of wines.