Beliebte Reiseziele in Friaul-Venetien


(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

In Friuli-Venezia Giulia, at Rondover, between Prata and Porcia, in the most western part of Doc Friuli Grave and at the heart of Doc Prosecco, the company San Simone is the result of tradition and enological culture of our family, which is engaged in the profession of winegrowers for four generations. We selected the name San Simone for our wines and wine cellar in the memory of our origins. The first and historic headquarters were in fact situated in via San Simone, Prata, opposite the fourteenth century church devoted to Saint Simon, where our great-grandfather in the early 1900s gave the very first and decisive impulse to the activity which has been now converted into a family residence. Many changes have taken place over time. But one thing which has not changed is our value system: responsibility towards the reality in which we work, passion for our work and transparency in our working system. These are the values which are timeless.
Hauptbild von Villa Russiz

Villa Russiz
(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

Villa Russiz was founded on 15 February 1868 with the marriage of Elvine Ritter von Zahony to Theodor de La Tour. Elvine’s dowry, Villa Russiz, turns out to be an area which is still particularly conducive to the cultivation of vines and for producing wines of an exceptional quality. Today, the passion for wine-making is stronger than ever at Villa Russiz. 50 of the 100 hectares that make up the estate are cultivated as vineyards, rewarding this same passion with exceptional, elegant wines. The Villa Russiz Foundation red and white wines, made with autochthonous and international varietals, are constantly highlighted and continue to win recognition from prestigious guides and magazines in Italy and abroad.
Hauptbild von di Lenardo

di Lenardo
(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

Nella nostra Cantina produciamo vini di alta qualità da uve di proprietà provenienti dai 52 ettari vitati che ci circondano. I Vigneti e la Cantina si trovano nel cuore del Friuli Venezia Giulia, ad Ontagnano, uno di quei classici paesini Italiani di campagna in cui tutti si conoscono. La nostra storia ha inizio nel 1878 quando il bisnonno, Giuseppe di Lenardo, innamorato della bellezza e della pace di questo luogo e delle persone che ci vivevano decise di acquistare e ristrutturare la villa napoleonica del 1737. Con l'arrivo di una nuova generazione si decise di compiere dei cambiamenti strutturali volti ad ottenere l'eccellenza qualitativa che desideravamo ottenere. Si fecero importanti investimenti acquistando macchinari di ultima generazione e aumentando costantemente il numero di viti per ettaro fino ad arrivare attualmente attorno alle 5000. Scegliemmo inoltre di produrre unicamente vini provenienti da uve di proprietà, di studiare e gettarci a capofitto nella creazione di vini di alta qualità. Optammo quindi per potature rigorose, vendemmie unicamente manuali e dotammo la cantina di tutte le tecnologie più all'avanguardia per quel periodo. Oggi, continuiamo ad innovarci ed ad investire per accompagnare la nostra Tradizione con le più moderne Tecnologie. Infatti tuttora le nostre uve continuano ad essere interamente vendemmiate rigorosamente a mano e questo ci permette di raggiungere un maggiore controllo sulla maturazione delle uve. In cantina si continuano ogni anno a scoprire nuovi strumenti tecnologici per alzare la qualità dei vini e al momento siamo arrivati ad una vinificazione il più naturale possibile che si basa unicamente su principi fisici. Grazie a queste nuove tecnologie fermentiamo i nostri vini bianchi a bassissime temperature (circa 15°) per ottenere profumi più ricchi e gusti più intensi.
Hauptbild von Venica & Venica di Gianni e Giorgio Venica

Venica & Venica di Gianni e Giorgio Venica
(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

Our history began in Mernico, a tiny village of 30 people just 3 kilometers from Dolegna del Collio where great-grandfather Daniele was born on March 9th 1898. He was the 2nd male of 11 children in a big farming family. Daniele was born and raised as an Austrian but on the February 6th 1930 he bought a small house and a hill in Dolegna del Collio. A few months later he became father of Adelchi, the only male of 3 children. After the war the property was a farm where vines and fruit trees were grown together biologically. The farm sustained the family's needs first and the excess was sold to restaurants in Udine and Cividale. For years Daniele and Adelchi worked together buying and working abandoned vineyards, experimenting to find the perfect combinations of vine and vineyard and creating a peculiar mosaic of microclimates surrounded by forest. Adelchi then had two sons, Gianni and Giorgio. They continued the viticultural philosophy of their parents and decided to maintain the same respectful approach. In the last three decades they developed ways to express in the cellar that peculiar sense of site that our wines are able to communicate but -the last sentence was cut off on the site.
Hauptbild von Azienda Agricola Pierpaolo Pecorari

Azienda Agricola Pierpaolo Pecorari
(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

The practice of wine production gets lost in our ancestors' memory. It is not possible to define a year in which everything began, because the agricultural activity was always part of our family and of the inhabitants of this land. Producing wine was certainly not the main activity, but in the context of the rural family life of 18th and 19th centuries, wine growing was a spread practice in our territory. At the beginning vines and rows were placed at the border of fields, as if they were boundary stones of the land where barley and wheat were cultivated. When, at the end of 19th century, wine growing could finally be developped, little plots of land were entirely dedicated to wine production and the vineyards were very similar to those develloped during the last thirty years. At that time all the available land was cultivated and only a little space was left for horses and coaches transit. Viticulture was certainly differently considered before and after the plagues of the phylloxera and First World War. The farming system remained always mixed and every family used to work the land for the traditional self-consumption, selling what exceeded. After the Seventies, the wine growing began to change a lot, going back to its original spirit. The main aim was more dedication to detail together with a return to the roots, which meant a rethinking of vineyard planning. In the last decades the agricultural activity has been renewed and it has become a new type of cultivation where almost philosophical criteria have been practised, undertaking a pioneering qualitative route. During those years we renewed the first vineyards in the areas of Olivers, Soris and Kolaus. This was our starting point.
Hauptbild von Azienda Agricola Picech Roberto

Azienda Agricola Picech Roberto
(Weingut in Friaul-Venetien)

The Picechs are proud to have been, since 1920, a grape-growing family on the slopes of Pradis, near Cormòns. In 1963, hard work and courage earned the family ownership of the vineyards they had been farming for some time. In 1989, Roberto took over the estate from his father Egidio, who was known as “il Ribel”, and his mother Jelka, turning it into the much-envied operation it is today. Low-yielding vineyards looked after like gardens and grape maceration in the cellar are the secrets that make our wines so distinctively individual, impervious to passing fads and the latest technology. Picech wines reflect the history of this fantastic territory, a tradition that Roberto continues with assistance from his wife Alessia and their children, Athena and Ruben.

Mehr Informationen über Friaul-Venetien

Friaul-Julisch Venetien liegt an der Grenze zu Slowenien und Österreich, eingeschlossen zwischen der Adria und den Alpen. Sein reiches und einzigartiges kulturelles Erbe ist das Ergebnis jahrhundertelanger Überschneidungen verschiedener Kulturen in diesem Land. Heute bietet Friaul-Julisch Venetien die Möglichkeit, in seine Weinbautraditionen einzutauchen und die Vorzüge dieses Gebiets bei verschiedenen Besichtigungen von Weingütern und unvergesslichen Weinverkostungen zu entdecken.

Bei deinen Weinproben in Friaul-Julisch Venetien wirst du mit Sicherheit einige der großen Weißweine der Region probieren, die oft als "Superweißweine" bezeichnet werden. Da die geografischen Eigenschaften und das Klima dieses Gebiets die Voraussetzungen für Qualitätsweinbau schaffen, werden hier seit der Antike Reben angebaut. Das Kommen und Gehen verschiedener Bevölkerungsgruppen in Friaul-Julisch Venetien hat dazu geführt, dass sowohl internationale als auch einheimische Rebsorten vorhanden sind, die oft gemischt werden, um ein perfektes Gleichgewicht zu erreichen. Zu den Herkunftsbezeichnungen der Region gehören derzeit zehn DOC-Weine, vier DOCGs und drei IGTs.

Was sollte man in Friaul-Venetien probieren?

Wie jedes Grenzland wurde auch die Küche von Friaul-Julisch Venetien im Laufe der Zeit von den verschiedenen Kulturen, die das Land durchzogen, beeinflusst. Das bedeutet, dass du bei deinen Weinproben und Weingut-Besichtigungen in Friaul-Julisch Venetien die Möglichkeit hast, einzigartige Gerichte zu probieren, die es in anderen Regionen Italiens nicht gibt. Einige der unverzichtbaren Gerichte der Region sind: Frico, Polenta, Toc' in braide, Blecs, Cjalsons, Golas, Prosciutto di San Daniele DOP.

Welche Weine kann man in Friaul-Venetien probieren?

Plane eine Tour durch ein Weingut oder eine Weinprobe, um die großartigen Weine von Friaul-Julisch Venetien zu entdecken und mehr über die vielen Rebsorten zu erfahren, die du in dieser Region findest. Die Region verfügt über ein großes Erbe an einheimischen Rebsorten, das im Laufe der Zeit durch die Einführung einiger internationaler Rebsorten wie Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot und Cabernet Franc bereichert wurde. Zu den einheimischen Rebsorten gehören Tocai Friuliano, Verduzzo Friuliano, Picolit, Schioppettino, Pignolo, Tazzelenghe, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Terrano und Vitovska. Andere Sorten, die im Laufe der Zeit aus den benachbarten Gebieten eingeführt wurden, sind Ribolla Gialla, Malvasia Istriana, Gewürztraminer, Müller-Thurgau, Rheinriesling und Riesling.

Welche ist die beste Jahreszeit, um Friaul-Venetien zu besuchen?

Die beste Zeit für Weinliebhaber, Friaul-Julisch Venetien zu besuchen, ist zwischen Frühling und Herbst, wenn die Temperaturen angenehm und die Tage sonniger sind und du eine Weinprobe oder eine Tour durch die Weingüter inmitten der wunderschönen Landschaft der Region genießen kannst. Ende Mai finden normalerweise die Cantine Aperte (Offene Weingüter) statt, eine Veranstaltung für Weinliebhaber, die das Gebiet entdecken und seine Weinkeller besuchen möchten.

Was kann man in Friaul-Venetien tun?

Friaul-Julisch Venetien bietet neben der Besichtigung von Weinbergen, Weingütern und der Verkostung von exzellenten Weinen noch viele andere kulturelle Aktivitäten und atemberaubende Landschaften. Zu den Highlights der Region gehören Triest und das Schloss Miramare, Udine, die Seen von Fusine sowie Aquileia und seine römischen Ruinen. Oder mach einen Tagesausflug ins nahe gelegene Slowenien und besuche die berühmte Höhle von Postojna und die Burg Pedjama.