Hauptbild von Spinoglio Danilo

Spinoglio Danilo
(Weingut in Alessandria)

" In the heart of the Monferrato Casalese area, within the frame of green hills cultivated with vineyards, the landscape is dominated by the Cascina Narzo, surrounded by renowned vineyards, the source of the outstanding wines typical of the Monferrato area. Wines of a very high quality, enhanced not only by factors such as the climate, the land, the kind of vine, but also by the constant effort made by he who follows with passion every step in the cycle – from vine pruning to wine bottling. An effort made with no fear by he who firmly believes in his own products searching for top quality levels. Quality stems from the vineyard and it is enhanced in the cellar with wines full of passion and life, witnessing the generous motherland that produces the winter shoots, turns the grape must into wine, the delicious nectar that becomes the protagonist of the happiest moments in man’s life, capable of passing on feelings and emotions."
Hauptbild von Vignaioli Battegazzore

Vignaioli Battegazzore
(Weingut in Alessandria)

Architetto prestato al mondo della viticoltura, Bruno Battegazzore ha recentemente recuperato la tradizione familiare di produrre vino, supportato e accompagnato in quest’avventura dalla compagna Elisa. I nonni paterni, e i nonni dei nonni prima di essi, erano infatti rinomati vignaioli in quel di Mombisaggio, frazione collinare del comune di Tortona. L’azienda si estende su diversi appezzamenti “frammentati” sulle colline intorno al centro abitato in superfici mai più grandi dell’ettaro, come si usava una volta, ma gestiti con fare moderno, privilegiando qualità e sostenibilità. La composizione dei suoli è quella tipica della Formazione di Mombisaggio, variabile in modo assai repentino dalle marne argillose ai calcarei. Questa particolarità geologica, insieme alle diverse esposizioni, conferisce ai lotti caratteristiche peculiari e unicità che cerchiamo di far risaltare nei vini. Come tradizione vuole, ogni appezzamento ha un suo nome e una sua storia. La Maggiora, per esempio, è dotata di caratteristiche pedografiche e morfologiche magnifiche: la sua conformazione avvolgente il fianco di una collina, con esposizioni da nord-ovest a sud-est, permette di ottenere uve con periodi di raccolta distanziati e proprietà molto differenti tra loro. La produzione è agli inizi e punta su due vini legati al territorio: il timorasso Derthona, un grande bianco con corpo e caratteristiche senza eguali, vinificato in due linee, e il barbera Monleale, con sentori unici della zona.
Hauptbild von Tenuta San Pietro In Tassarolo

Tenuta San Pietro In Tassarolo
(Weingut in Alessandria)

Tenuta San Pietro is a historical winery of the DOCG Gavi area located in Tassarolo, on the Piedmont hills 300 meters above sea level, near Alessandria. Its vines enjoy the winds coming from the nearby Ligurian Sea and, thanks to an excellent solar exposure and a favourable microclimate, its tuffaceous and clayey grounds produce exclusive grapes and high quality wines. The passion for research is the hallmark of the Company, constantly committed in a careful recovery of biodiversity, and in the preservation of its historic vineyards survived to the terrible epidemic of phylloxera, one of the major disasters in the history of agriculture. It was a deadly parasite that fed on the roots of the vines and that, once attacked a vineyard, destroyed it completely. Phylloxera, coming from America, struck with violence towards the end of the nineteenth century in Europe. The vines on own roots are the last witnesses of a past era, such as the Gorrina vineyard, the evidence of the uniqueness of this heritage. All the vineyards of Tenuta San Pietro are cultivated according to the criteria of the Biodynamic Agriculture, based on the antroposophy of Rudolf Steiner.
Hauptbild von Agriturismo Accornero

Agriturismo Accornero
(Weingut in Alessandria)

Accornero family members have been vine growers for four generations, and they still produce high quality wines with the same passion and devotion that inspired great-grandfather Bartolomeo. Bartolomeo Accornero, born in 1839, and his wife, Giuseppina Lasagna, already owners of a small agricultural holding adjacent to the present vineyard estate, had five children. Besides managing his own lands, helped by his son Giuseppe Bartolomeo also took over the management of “Palazzo dei Conti di Callori” estate (today home of Vignale Monferrato Regional wine centre). In 1897, after many years of hard work and savings, he purchased Cascina Ca’ Cima, then owned by noble chevalier Negri. The generation was then continued by Giuseppe’s son, Giovanni Battista Angelo Accornero, who married Alfonsina Coppo: from their union a child was born, Giulio Accornero, the actual owner of the estate with the wife Mariuccia and the sons Ermanno and Massimo… Ca’ Cima is situated in the pleasant countryside of Vignale Monferrato municipality and covers an area of 20 hectares, all dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards. Vineyards are organically cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides. The use of natural fertilisers and of products not dangerous for the environment allows soil natural phyto-sanitary defense, reducing yields but warranting high quality products.. The wine-cellar, although well-equipped with modern technology, remains faithful to traditional wine-making processes, offering typical, high quality Monferrato wines.
Hauptbild von Rocco di Carpeneto

Rocco di Carpeneto
(Weingut in Alessandria)

Rocco di Carpeneto - vini d'Alto Monferrato is a boutique organic winery located in Carpeneto (Al), amidst the Alto Monferrato hills. Wine production is focused on Piedmont-native grapes (dolcetto, barbera, cortese, nebbiolo, albarossa). We are member of FIVI (Italian Association of Indipendent Winemakers), VinNatur, Sorgente del Vino and Consorzio di Tutela Ovada docg.
Hauptbild von Azienda Agricola Nuova Cappelletta s.s.

Azienda Agricola Nuova Cappelletta s.s.
(Weingut in Alessandria)

Nuova Cappelletta is an organic estate primarily focused on quality wine making and vineyard management. Also ‘Piemontese’ cattle breeding and cereal growing are carried out at the farm, as part of a sustainable farming approach. The farm is located in Vignale Monferrato, Italy, ad it covers 210 HA (519 acres) of hilly landscape. Of these about 20 HA (50 acres) are vineyards. The entire estate is certified for organic farming since 1984 and all its produce meets the DEMETER standards for biodynamic agriculture. According to these principles, the farm is managed for sustainability, and all activities are interconnected. As an example, culture rotation and cattle manure together with the diversified cultivations are fundamental to maintain a well balanced and sustainable land fertility.
Hauptbild von Azienda Agricola Molinetto di Diego Carrea

Azienda Agricola Molinetto di Diego Carrea
(Weingut in Alessandria)

The Molinetto Carrea Winery is an oenologic jewel in Gavi area, with 6 hectares of vineyard planted with the Cortese grape. Situated in Francavilla Bisio, where the Piedmontese hills meet the sea breeze, Molinetto Carrea bases its production in the prestigious Gavi DOCG. This fragrant white wine is soft, fruity, and elegant, and is made from 100% Cortese grapes. The winery is today managed by the youngest son, Diego. His choice to work in the winery speaks of his love for the land that daily strengthens the ties to the winery's founders and renews the agricultural traditions of lower Piemonte.
Hauptbild von La Ghibellina

La Ghibellina
(Weingut in Alessandria)

La Ghibellina was founded in 2000 by Alberto and Marina Ghibellini and specialises in the production of high quality wines that at the same time emphasize their typical character. Located in Monterotondo, which is part of the Municipality of Gavi (Piedmont) and is one of the most ideally suited areas for the production of Cortese di Gavi DOCG, the vineyard stretches over an area of around 20 hectares, in a beautiful context of rolling hills between the southern part of the Po River Valley and the Ligurian Appenines. The soil conditions, the ideal exposure to sunlight, and the climate that is particularly adapted to the cultivation of vines and that benefits from the sea breeze that blows from the nearby Mediterranean coast, make the conditions ideal for the production of wines with a firm and always recognizable character. The care of the vines and the uncompromising dedication to the cellar make it possible to strive for constant improvement.
Hauptbild von cascina zerbetta

cascina zerbetta
(Weingut in Alessandria)

E’ il lavoro quotidiano e costante in campagna che fa la differenza: dopo la potatura invernale, alla ripresa vegetativa, inizia un’assidua cura sulle piante, impostate una ad una, tramite la selezione dei tralci che porteranno i frutti. Il lavoro ben fatto in questa delicata fase consentirà lo sviluppo di grappoli ben separati, in grado di prendere la giusta quantità di luce e di aria. E’ soprattutto grazie a questo minuzioso lavoro manuale che si limitano i trattamenti e si permette alla vigna di svilupparsi in modo armonico ottenendo uve sane dalla maturazione ottimale. La struttura del suolo è preservata grazie all’inerbimento che ne impedisce l’erosione e la pratica del sovescio è utilizzata per il mantenimento della giusta fertilità e per attirare gli insetti utili. La tensione accumulata durante la stagione si allenta finalmente quando l’uva entra in cantina per la pigiatura. La raccolta è manuale in piccole cassette, nelle ore più fresche della giornata per le uve bianche.
Hauptbild von Az.Agr. La Casanella Di Odicini Stefano

Az.Agr. La Casanella Di Odicini Stefano
(Weingut in Alessandria)

The estate, owned and run by the Odicini family, has ancient roots and the manor house overlooking the castle is a noble witness that has handed down its presence in the town and surrounding territory from 1500 to the present day. The passion for the land is a strong sentiment and it unites the ambitions of the most recent generations in a single story: that of Giuseppe Odicini, his wife Giulia Sterzi and their son Roberto, who has passed on the same passion and love to his wife Renata. Today, the property covers over 5 hectares, of which 3.25 planted with vines and the rest is pasture and woods. The work in the vineyard is supported by advanced technology in the wine cellar. Here, the selections made during the harvest evolve into wines that evoke continuous and diverse emotions. They are witnesses of the subtle or pronounced features that the vineyard gives to the grapes that matured in it. The company organizes guided tastings with a visit to the winery and vineyards. Some of the company’s prestigious wines can be found at the Italian Enoteca in Siena and the Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners.

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