
Piacevole esperienza

Salvatore è stato molto gentile ed accogliente, mettendoci a nostro agio e chiacchierando a lungo con noi. Armosa è una realtà che non conoscevamo, i vini sono particolari e sinceri: raccontano il lavoro che vi sta dietro. Alla prossima.

Esperienza top!

Piccola cantina che conserva la tradizione per il vino biologico. Contesto meraviglioso.. il moscato secco top! Salvatore preparato, gentilissimo e disponibile.
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Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Besichtigung der Weinberge und Verkostung von Naturweinen und Olivenöl im Weingut Armosa
Scicli, Provinz Ragusa
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum Nicht spezifiziert, Maximum 15
Von €15.00
“Besichtigung der Weinberge und des Weinguts, mit einer Beschreibung der natürlichen Weinherstellung. Verkostung von vier Weinen und kaltgepresstem Olivenöl.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The ArmosA estate located at Scicli in the Ragusa province of Sicily.. The first vineyard of “Nero d’Avola” was planted in 2003 in a terroir chosen especially for its sandy tufa soil and for its immediate proximity to the sea. The ArmosA philosophy is to enhance the reputation of Nero d’Avola, Sicily’s premium indigenous vine, by growing it in a variety of terroirs so as to produce quality wines with a distinct personality. The vines are planted at a density of around 4400 plants per hectare using a cultivation system based on spurred cords; 6 hectares of vineyards growing following organic agriculture procedure. The grapes are harvested by hand after careful selection of only the best bunches, and are collected in crates. ArmosaA is making natural wine because we believe that the wine has to be the memory fo the Year

The wines of ArmosA are all natural wines not filtered to preserve the tasting integrity, those made with Nero d'Avola are: - “SICLYS” (from the name given first in Roman and then Arab times to the modern day village of Scicli) form the vineyards "Filippa" and "Fumaria" close to the see, aged for 18 months minimum in oak barrels , “CURMA” is the “Cru” of ArmosA , from the vineyard "Le Curme" on the sand overlooking the see, aged for 24 months minimum in oak barrel. - “YRMINUM” is the “Cru” of ArmosA , which is pure “Nero d’Avola,” red wine, aged for 30 months minimum in oak barrel, late harvest, from the vineyards on the Hill The only wthite wine is: - “SALIPETRJ” made with “moscato bianco” . It's a dry white wine made by maceration of the grape solid part, giving an "orange wine"