
Oltre le aspettative

Bewertung: 5 von 5 3/1/21
Siamo arrivati da Asotom come ultima cantina di un tour a inizio 2021. Non conoscevamo la cantina ma appena siamo arrivati Sara, compagna di Tommaso, è stata una vera padrona di casa. Ci ha raccontato la loro storia, il perchè del nome Asotom, la filosofia dietro ogni prodotto e ci ha fatto assaggiare alcuni prodotti davvero interessanti. Quello che ci ha colpito di più è stato senza dubbio la voglia di una piccola cantina come questa di far vivere davvero delle esperienze bellissime. E poi le etichette dei vini sono stupende!

Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weinprobe von persönlichen Etiketten im Königskeller mit Asotom
Castelletto Merli, Alessandria (Monferrato)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €25.00
“Ein wunderschöner und erholsamer Tag inmitten der wilden Landschaften und sanften Hügel des Monferrato, an dem du heldenhaften Weinbau entdeckst.”
Thumbnail Mach deinen Wein auf dem Weingut Asotom
Castelletto Merli, Alessandria (Monferrato)
2 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €59.00
“Eine Erfahrung auf halbem Weg zwischen dem Alchemisten und dem Winzer, in einem kleinen ländlichen Weingut inmitten der üppigen Hügel des Monferrato”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Tommaso thinks of himself as a grower of dreams as his renowned line of signature wines is built on his own self-taught knowledge paired with an insatiable curiosity and passion for experimentation. “I do not own a thing but my ideas, ambitions, and perceptions—supported by a technique that i have been perfecting over the years.” While the vineyards and wine cellar in which he operates are not his own properties, he has managed them for years with care and devotion. He follows his own philosophy of wine production while maintaining environmentally friendly practices as often as possible. Each grape tells a unique story and requires a unique production process, which Tommaso is more than willing to provide to create the perfect wine to enjoy. Tommaso’s vision is to create a wine made solely from grapes, meticulous care and attention that respects the grape’s unique variety and territory, and techniques honed by time and practice. His wines differ from others using similar-quality grapes because of his unique production process and his personal vision for each wine he creates.

I am the Land because of my connection with nature, my sensitivity combining instinct with experience which permeates every phase of the wine production process. From the accurate culture of vineyards to the careful and meticulous work completed in the cellar, I follow best practices I have honed through time and personal experimentation, creating a finished product that is uniquely mine – my idea of wine, with a clear and recognizable personality. The result is a product that both satisfies me and represents me – a wine that makes you think as much about its content as its creator. My personal wine