

Giorgio's wine is wondeful, perfect taste &...

Giorgio's wine is wondeful, perfect taste & structure, fantastic bouquet, color red intense, flawor unforgettable!
Quelle: google Fabrizio Giacomo Lombardo
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Über das Weingut und die Weine

Giorgio Meletti Cavallari’s WINERY is a very young company, which was founded in 2002 along the Tuscan Riviera in the Bolgheri DOC, one of Italy’s most famous vine-growing areas.giorgio meletti cavallari Wine was Giorgio’s nursery. He was born among Grattamacco’s vineyards and winery. He established his own farm in 2002 when he was only 24, setting up his first rootstocks leading to the creation of his own wine cellar based on functional and practical standards. The winery includes 7 acres of vineyards along the very famous Via Bolgherese and boasts a brand new reception centre along with a first class wine-shop.