
Über das Weingut und die Weine

First of all, it is the two of us who take care directly of Martilde and we were not born here or turned up by chance, but we choose the place and the life that goes with it. Perhaps, as it aften happens, not fully aware of what we were in for (that came with time), but with all of our resolution and economical, physical and mental resources. We do not come from this area and have both spent enough years moving around not to feel bound or homesick about a particular place. For Martilde, we both left a Milan job in a completely different branch, discovering the world of vines and wines. Our intial inexperience made us sitting ducks for a crowd of bad counsellors but, paying dearly, we tried to learn fast, conscious that a radical change of life requires courage and some upsetting experiences. Now, enough time has passed to make us feel we like we have been here forever, Rovescala has become our homeplace, Martilde is joined with our life and the surrounding landscape is the one we see daily, recognize from afar and miss when away too long.