
Viaggio di sapori, odori e bellezza

Luogo incantevole, siamo state accolte con professionalità e gentilezza.
Il tour in cantina è stato meraviglioso ma quello che ha lasciato un ricordo vivido è stata la degustazione di vini, senza parole, solo profumi e sapori indescrivibili.
Complimenti, tornerò sicuramente.
Tutto perfetto
Anna Rita

A Bevagna, dove se beve e se magna

Titolo a parte, tutto perfetto: staff giovane, preparato e ospitale; degustazione di ottimo livello, con tre vini della loro cantina, più un bianco di benvenuto, il tutto accompagnato da salumi e formaggi del territorio.

Visit to Cantine Briziarelli

We were welcomed by a very friendly and charming hostess. She explained in clear English about tthe wines, made from the Sagretino grape. After a tour we were invited to taste 5 different wines, including explanation. Then we were left alone to degustation the wine with sample of different local sausages. All lovely.
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Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Sagrantino 100%: Weinprobe in der Cantine Briziarelli
Montefalco, Perugia (Sagrantino)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €40.00
“Eine Route, um die Sagrantino-Traube in all ihren Facetten zu entdecken. Verkoste 4 Sagrantino-Weine, gepaart mit einer Auswahl an lokalen Produkten”
Thumbnail Willkommen in Montefalco: Weinprobe in der Cantine Briziarelli
Montefalco, Perugia (Sagrantino)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €25.00
“Entdecke das Gebiet des Sagrantino, probiere seine repräsentativsten Produkte und erfahre mehr über die Philosophie und Geschichte der Cantine Briziarelli”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The history of the Briziarelli as agricultural company begins in Umbria in the early twentieth century, thanks to the ingenuity of Pio Briziarelli: local entrepreneur, philanthropist, man of great ambitions. After having founded the Briziarelli furnaces, he chooses to invest in the agriculture of the luxuriant Umbrian territory by acquiring land for the cultivation of arable land, olive trees, grapes and the breeding of cattle. Generations later, in 2000, the choice of the family of the Montefalco area as a new project. Therefore, the Briziarelli Cellars were born. In 2003 Cantine Briziarelli planted the first vineyard obtaining excellent results. The winery business volume grews to the point that a further planting of vines was necessary just few years later, in 2006.

In 2012 the construction of the new cellar started, a futuristic architectural project, tribute to the family history. In 2021 a big change in the administration of Cantine Briziarelli brings to a rebranding phase not only in the look with a new logo and new labels, but in the wine style too. We are now looking for more drinkability and elegance, treasuring the past, but with a careful eye on the evolution and development of the wine market and its lovers tastes.


Parken Frei



