
Azienda vinicola a conduzione familiare. Il titolare...

Azienda vinicola a conduzione familiare. Il titolare e la moglie sono delle persone molto gentili e disponibili. Massimo, il titolare, lo si può incontrare nelle varie fiere dedicate. Si nota la preparazione, la cura e la passione che ci mette nel fare ciò che ama, il che rileva poi nei vini apprezzati ovunque. Le viti crescono alle pendici del Vesuvio prendendo la forza della terra e il profumo del mare. Spesso presso la sua abitazione, dove in cantina produce il vino, organizza degustazioni e visite guidate. Riceve per appuntamento.
Quelle: google Camilla Marianna Sorrentino
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Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Lacrima Christi Weinprobe im Casa Setaro
Trecase, Neapel (Vesuvio)
1 Stunde
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 20
Von €30.00
“Solide Wurzeln, wie die unveredelten Rebstöcke unserer Weinberge, sind die Grundlage für die Integrität und die Authentizität unserer Weine.”
Thumbnail Volles Eintauchen in den Vesuv im Casa Setaro
Trecase, Neapel (Vesuvio)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 20
Von €60.00
“Auf vulkanischen Böden in unterschiedlichen Höhenlagen und Expositionen werden zwölf Hektar Weinberge mit einheimischen Sorten biologisch bewirtschaftet”
Thumbnail Vesuvio-Kochkurs und Weinprobe in der Casa Setaro
Trecase, Neapel (Vesuvio)
3 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 20
Von €100.00
“Solide Wurzeln, wie die unveredelten Rebstöcke unserer Weinberge, sind die Grundlage für die Integrität und die Authentizität unseres Wein- und Lebensmittelerbes”
Thumbnail Agorà Weinprobe in der Casa Setaro am Vesuvio
Trecase, Neapel (Vesuvio)
1 Stunde
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 200
Von €20.00
“Nimm an der Agorà-Verkostung teil: Besichtigung des Weinbergs, Verkostung von Campanelle falanghina und Terramatta aglianico und saisonales Fingerfood erwarten dich!”
Thumbnail Kosmisches Weinerlebnis: Mittagessen und Verkostung in der Casa Setaro auf dem Vesuvio
Trecase, Neapel (Vesuvio)
2 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 200
Von €90.00
“Erlebe die kosmische Weinreise in der Casa Setaro am Vesuv. Probiere 9 verschiedene Weine, gepaart mit saisonalen Gerichten für ein köstliches Mittagessen.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The cellar is located under the family house, in perfect temperature and humidity conditions. During the harvest, grapes are gathered here from the vineyards located within the Vesuvius National Park for the pressing and vinification. Before destemming and soft-pressing there is a further phase of grape selection. For white wine, there is a maceration at low temperature in stainless steel tanks at a temperature of circa 4°C for 48-72 hours (24 for our rosé wine), followed by drawing off and soft pressing, clarification of the must and fermentation at a controlled temperature of circa 10-12°C. For red wines, after destemming and pressing the fermentation takes place at a controlled temperature of circa 15°C until fermentation is completed. Soft pressing follows.

In a more secluded part of the cellar, there is an area where our red wines, after vinification, rest in wood barrels of different capacity and types of wood. In particular, the Lacryma Christi Riserva Don Vincenzo rests in barrels for 14months before being refined in bottle. The Lacryma Christi Rosso and the Aglianico Tauro have a shorter passage in barrel. In another part of the cellar a wine tasting area has been designed so that wine lovers and winte tourists can enjoy tasting Casa Setaro‘s wines.