Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Erkundung der Burgunder Rebsorten bei Collection Tramier
Chalon-sur-Saone, Saône-et-Loire (Côte Chalonnaise)
40 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 10
Von €5.00
“Willst du eine einzigartige Erfahrung machen? Tauche mit uns in die fesselnde Welt der Burgunder Rebsorten ein.”
Thumbnail Mercurey Weinerlebnis in der Collection Tramier
Chalon-sur-Saone, Saône-et-Loire (Côte Chalonnaise)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 12
Von €18.00
“Begib dich auf eine fesselnde Reise, auf der du 4 außergewöhnliche Gutsweine kennenlernst, während du die reiche Geschichte, das Terroir und die Kunst des Weinanbaus entdeckst.”
Thumbnail Im Herzen der 1er Crus: Die Prestige-Weinprobe von Collection Tramier
Chalon-sur-Saone, Saône-et-Loire (Côte Chalonnaise)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 1, Maximum 16
Von €35.00
“Entdecke 4 außergewöhnliche Rotweine aus dem Burgund, während du die reiche Geschichte des Weinguts und die Techniken der Weinherstellung kennenlernst.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Combining Tradition with Progress to bring you Wines with over 150 years of Expertise

In the year 1842, Louis Tramier set up his own business and there has been no looking back. The winery has only looked forward to gaining expertise for over a century and combining that expertise with latest oenological technology to make sure that they can make the finest quality wines.

Collection Tramier mature their wines in cellars that date back to the 1830 and bottled using latest technology ; they are the perfect combination of tradition and progress

The Winery is Located In The Beautiful Village of Mercurey

Mercurey has always had a long-standing reputation when it came to wine making and Collection Tramier chose to settle here and it was the best decision they made.

Collection Tramier fuse Tradition and Modern Technology

First established in the year 1842, Maison L. Tramier had quite a few things to offer when it comes to expertise and fine quality wines. They have come a long way since 1842 and they have progressed all the way. With respect to the past techniques, they accept modern technology with open arms. The wines are still produced in the estate’s original building that overlooks the Mercurey vineyards and their wines mature to perfection in the vaulted cellars that dates back the year 1830. Despite this, they are not shy of using the latest oenological technology, especially for their bottling. In the 60’s Maison L Tramier & Fils launched its own vintage wine called the Roncier. Recently, the winery purchased modern cellars in Mercurery tripling its production capacity. They are successfully growing in the USA, Europe and the Far East.

Vineyards That Cater to the Need of The Grapes

The Vineyards of Collection Tramier dominate the Mercurey lake giving a pleasing view. The climate here is pleasant and the soil gives grapes grown here like Pinot Noir and Chardonnay all the minerals and nutrients that it needs. The winery has the only Mercurey cellars to be entirely built on rock face. This gives the cellars constant temperature and ageing for their wines.

The Domain is the fruit of a rich history and is susceptible to today’s demands, especially towards sustainable development (level 3 HVE certification). Today, it comprises 17 hectares exploited with a specific knowledge of what makes the quality and the particularity of the Côte Chalonnaise subregion.

We have a wide range of red wines, white wines, rosé wines and sparkling wines.