
Expérience goûteuse et sympathique

Gianluca a été un hôte généreux de son expérience de viticulteur, nous a fait partager en toute simplicité sa passion et ses produits. On a bien aimé découvrir ses vins, agrémentés de quelques bouchées apéritives.On a passé un très bon moment avec lui et on en gardera un excellent souvenir.

Drinking wine in a nice setting

Firstly, we had a really nice time, the wine was very enjoyable (and interesting, especially their orange wine offering) and the portions were extremely generous. I’d go four stars rather than five purely because there’s less of an element of leading you through the wines, but rather let’s sit and enjoy the wines. Which is a wonderful thing to do, but slightly more explanation before each glass would make it just that step higher for me. Either way, a lovely evening of wine drinking!

Esperienza assolutamente da provare.

In passato abbiamo partecipato ad assaggi di vini di altre zone dell’Italia. Di solito la degustazione avviene presso i locali di lavorazione del vino o di vendita delle bottiglie.
L'esperienza Colline del vento è stata unica ad indimenticabile e la consiglio a tutti gli amanti del buon vino perché si svolge all’aperto, vicino ai vigneti di produzione.
Non si è trattato di semplici assaggi di piccole quantità di vino, ma di bere un calice di vino (tranne per chi poi doveva guidare l'auto...) per ciascuno dei tre vini proposti, accompagnati da ottimi prodotti alimentari del posto e piacevoli discussioni con gli altri partecipanti alla degustazione e le guide che ci hanno accompagnato.
E` stato anche interessante veder i vigneti e sapere come vengono coltivate le vigne, comprese le difficoltà che il produttore ha dovuto superare.
Tra i 3 vini proposti, il C'Alma Orange è stato quello che abbiamo apprezzato di più, in quanto unico come gusto, olfatto e colore. Sicuramente lo acquisteremo in futuro per farlo assaggiare ai nostri amici e ricordare la nostra vacanza in Sardegna.

Mi è sembrati tutto ottimo e non ho suggerimenti da proporre.

Aperitivo in compagnia sotto il carrubo

Bellissima esperienza, fuori dagli schemi, in un clima di convivialità che ci ha fatto sentire “in famiglia”. Abbiamo assaggiato ottimo cibo, ottimi vini e anche conosciuto persone da diverse parti del mondo che condividevano la nostra stessa passione ;)

Antwort von Colline del vento

Grazie mille Elena, siamo contenti vi siate trovati così bene, è stato un piacere avervi :)

Walking through the wineyard With apertif

We loved to be at your place. Relaxed walking With the guide and really good taste of wine With lovely people around the table from different parts of the World.

Antwort von Colline del vento

Thank you so much for your kind words Susanne, it was a real pleasure to have you :) all the best from all of us :)

Gianluca was such a relaxed interesting guy

Gianluca was such a relaxed interesting guy we felt we learned much bout his wine his land and Sardenia history. Wonderful wine cheese bread and snacks

Antwort von Colline del vento

Thank you so much for choosing us Peter, it was a real pleasure to have you :) all the best from all of us :)

Serata alternativa!

Inaspettatamente una splendida serata!
Allegra compagnia contornata da ottimo cibo e specialmente ottimo vino!

Antwort von Colline del vento

Grazie Laura siamo contenti vi siate trovati bene, è stato un piacere avervi :)
Schreiben Sie Ihre Bewertung!

Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weinprobe und Mittag- oder Abendessen in Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
4 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 60
Von €75.00
“Genieße ein spezielles Mittag- oder Abendessen in Colline del Vento, bei dem du eine besondere Kombination aus Essen und Wein erlebst”
Thumbnail Weinprobe auf dem Weingut Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 60
Von €35.00
“Verkostung im Weinberg im Schatten eines Johannisbrotbaums, geführt vom Erzeuger, um die Bioweine der Colline del Vento zu entdecken”
Thumbnail Wein & sardischer Spanferkelbraten im Weinberg von Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 60
Von €56.00
“Genieße eines der typischsten sardischen Rezepte, Spanferkelbraten, gepaart mit den Bioweinen von Colline del Vento und anderen Köstlichkeiten”
Thumbnail Yoga-Erlebnis im Weinberg von Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 15
Von €30.00
“Tauche ein in die Stille des Weinbergs von Colline del Vento und erlebe ein einzigartiges, entspannendes Yoga-Erlebnis!”
Thumbnail Frühstück mit dem Hirten im Weinberg von Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 40
Von €70.00
“Erlebe das traditionelle Frühstück der sardischen Hirten auf dem Weinberg von Colline del Vento und beobachte, wie frischer Käse hergestellt wird!”
Thumbnail Lehrreiches Bienenstockerlebnis mit Honigverkostung in Colline del Vento
Villasimius (Cannonau)
3 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 15
Von €35.00
“Erfahre mehr über die faszinierende Welt der Bienen und des handwerklichen Honigs bei diesem Erlebnis und genieße eine Honig- und Käseverkostung!”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Colline del Vento (hills of wind) is a wine producer born and raised in Sardinia. It is located in Villasimius, an important area for tourism in the province of Cagliari, in the locality of brennas. The achievement of quality and excellence is oru raison d'etre. Our wines tell the tale of who we are, the passion we put into our work and the deep respect we reserve for our land.

The land of Sardinia has a strong and ancient tie with wine, which dates back to its nuragic past, an era in which the charms of wine and the domestication of wild vines were already well-known. The vineyards are part of the landscape: from the most fertile plains near the sea, up the high hills and the inner areas of the island, the rows of grapes tell the long tradition of winemaking, an essential component of the Sardinian agricultural economy characterized by high quality wines. Over the history, wine has sent a message of culture and civilization, while in Sardinia it has passed down the ancient bond with man, which still endures unchanged. The balance and the unique scents and tastes of Sardinian wines recall the traditional costumes of our island, expression of the ancient Sardinian culture. And the imagination runs to this extraordinary land, pervaded with the scents of the Mediterranean vegetation, whipped by the mistral and cradled by the sea breezes. It is in such a scenario of ancient winemaking tradition and respect for nature that we produce our wines, Brennas and ‘Entu, filled with the flavors and colors of the Sardinian land.