
Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weinprobe in der Nähe von Lucca im Weingut Valdrighi
Montecarlo, Lucca
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 6
Von €17.90
“Nicht weit von Lucca entfernt, lässt dich ein familiengeführtes Weingut eine Weinprobe erleben”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Fattoria Valdrighi, founded in 1939 by Athos Valdrighi and handed down to children and grandchildren, lies on the hill of Montecarlo, in the province of Lucca. In 2019 the farm turned 80 years old. For about 10 years it has been carried out with passion by Davide Giannoni.

The municipality of Montecarlo, with a territory of 1600 hectares and a population of about 4400 inhabitants, with a well-preserved historical center and surrounded by the historic city walls, offers many crops for the production of one of the smallest DOC in Italy, 50 years for the white DOC just made, Rosso DOC, but also excellent IGT wines