

Esperienza sensoriale

La nostra visita a La Neula è stata una gran bella esperienza. Le tradizioni s'innestano nell'innovazione con naturalezza. Abbiamo fatto una passeggiata nella vigna, accompagnati da Giulia, appassionata e competente, che ci ha illustrato ogni cosa, dal tipo di uva, alla modalità e momento di raccolta.
Le degustazioni della loro produzione ( tutte eccellenti, anche l'accompagno gastronomico) avvengono in un contesto agreste silenzioso ed intimo. Tutto curatissimo, consiglio vivamente.
Auguro una grande crescita a "La Neula".

Antwort von La Neula

Grazie a voi, è stato un piacere avervi qui nella nostra tenuta.
A presto
Schreiben Sie Ihre Bewertung!

Über das Weingut und die Weine

La Neula was born in 2008 thanks to the idea of the owner Andrea, who decided to recover some of the property of the family inherited by his mother in Telti. Born and raised in Milan, he kept the strong bond with his origins and, as soon as he had the chance, he created his own little reality with the aim of giving a new life to the territory of his family, and in the meantime to showcase Italian and foreign tourists the values of the traditions of Gallura. The lands are ideal for the production of Vermentino and Cannonau and, being in one of the eleven towns of Gallura, Vermentino can pride itself on DOCG. In addition, the company has a little production of extra virgin oil and especially of Myrtle liqueur, produced following accurately the family’s recipe. Found in the heart of Gallura, the company is located in Telti, elevated at 360 meters a.s.l., with a view on the islands of Tavolara and Molara, absorbed in the Mediterranean scrub. Thanks to the proximity to the sea, the vineyards feel the effects of the coast, giving to Vermentino of Gallura a pronounced stroke of minerality, sharpened by the clay and granite fields as well. The company’s soul is based on the production and commercialisation of products typical of the tradition of Sardinia, combined to a family run business, where it is possible to find tradition and authenticity thanks to the techniques of harvest and processing. The goal of the company is to intensify the production in the next years, still following the typicity of the territory and the traditions of the products.

JULIE: Vermentino di Gallura DOCG, 100% Vermentino grapes, harvested at the end of August. Floreal and fresh, it pairs well with an aperitif

NEULAS: Vermentino di Gallura DOCG Superiore, 100% Vermentino grapes, harvested at the end of September. Fresh, mineral, full bodied and equilibrate, pairs well with seafood.

NONAU: Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, 100% Cannonau grapes, harvested at the end of September. Ruby red colour, smell dominated by red berries, black pepper and tobacco

MADDUS: orange wine, 100% Vermentino grapes overriped. 30 days of maceration on the skin and 1 year of aging in oak barrels. Dry wine, thought for dessert or aged chees

SINDACU: rosso IGT, Cannonau, Bovale and Carignano grapes. 1 year of aging in barrique

Myrtle liqueur: produced following an old family recipe, using only myrtle berries, alcohol and sugar.


Parken Frei

