
Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Klassische Weintour in der Masseria Vigne Vecchie
Solopaca, Benevent (Sannio)
4 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 10, Maximum 30
Von €48.00
“Von der Leidenschaft einer jungen Unternehmerin wirst du durch die biologischen Weinberge zum Weingut geführt und lernst Samnes, ihren Wein, kennen!”
Thumbnail Anspruchsvolle Weinprobe in der Masseria Vigne Vecchie
Solopaca, Benevent (Sannio)
4 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 10, Maximum 30
Von €55.00
“Komm und entdecke das Weingut und die biologischen Weinberge, die den wertvollen Samnes-Wein produzieren.”
Thumbnail Goldene Weinprobe in der Masseria Vigne Vecchie
Solopaca, Benevent (Sannio)
4 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 10, Maximum 30
Von €63.00
“Von der Leidenschaft einer jungen Unternehmerin wirst du durch die biologischen Weinberge zum Weingut geführt und lernst Samnes, ihren Wein, kennen!”
Thumbnail Premium Weinerlebnis in der Masseria Vigne Vecchie
Solopaca, Benevent (Sannio)
5 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 30
Von €70.00
“Das ultimative Erlebnis zu entdecken, wie der kostbare Samnes-Wein hergestellt wird”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The "Masseria Vigne Vecchie" organic winery is born in Sannio, in Solopaca (BN), in 2005 as an agricultural cooperative. In 2016, thanks to love and the passion for organic wine products, is detected by the family Carnation. Already established in modern glass business, it acquires fourteen hectares of land intended to preserve organic farming. Therefore, create one line of organic wines called "Samnes" in an attempt to claim and make known their roots helping to spread culture and love for their land. Which, in this case is so grateful that he returns, every year, giving those wonderful fruits from which wine is produced.

Behind Solopaca stands out clearly against the sky, the Sleeper of Sannio, a massive Apennine of the Taburno and the silhouette of a beautiful sleeping girl, a suggestive postcard to hang on the heart. It is the undisputed protector of our beloved Sannio, an area suited for viticulture, the backbone of the local economy. They intertwine under the mountains that form its extraordinary profile legends, wars, earthquakes, heroism, giving way to the events of the Sannio, whose real wealth is represented by the variety of flora and fauna, and the springs located on its slopes. For us, the famous and unmistakable profile known since time immemorial is the spokesperson of a culture belonging to a territory that has the taste of Wine and that has its roots in the Earth, the mother of everything. Not surprisingly, the range of our organic products traces its geographical layout