

Pedalando e bevendo

Tutto molto bello, giro in bici carino bei posti!! Ottima la degustazione, ottimi vini e la ragazza davvero molto gentile ed educata!! Super consigliato

Esperienza da ricordare

Abbiamo passato un bellissimo pomeriggio di Pasqua (grazie di cuore per averci accolto nonostante il giorno festivo!) presso la cantina Tojo.
Delia è stata gentilissima, simpatica e disponibile a raccontarci la storia della sua famiglia, a mostrarci la cantina e la loro vigna.
Alla fine abbiamo degustato 3 ottimi vini, accompagnati da deliziosi stuzzichini e, per chiudere in bellezza, 3 assaggi delle loro creme alla nocciola.
Consiglio a tutti di visitare la cantina Tojo, non ve ne pentirete!

Cantina Tojo

Ottima esperienza. Abbiamo ascoltato con piacere la storia dell'azienda e guasto i loro vini

Antwort von TOJO

Gabriele grazie mille per essere passato a trovarci, sono felice che la nostra esperienza vi sia piaciuta.


Siamo stati accolti da persone molto preparate e disponibili.
Ambiente familiare, vino e stuzzichini eccellenti.

Stefania Annalisa

Antwort von TOJO

Grazie mille per le belle parole, spero ci rivedremo presto in altre occasioni.
Francesco Tojo

Una bella scoperta

Una piacevole esperienza
Si assapora l antica tradizione dei vecchi vignaioli di un tempo con la voglia di innovazione e la ricerca di nuove soluzioni per produrre un vino di qualità che possa piacere ad un vasto pubblico

Antwort von TOJO

Grazie mille Gianguido, è stato un piacere portevi ospitare.
Schreiben Sie Ihre Bewertung!

Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weinprobe auf dem Weingut Tojo
Santo Stefano Belbo, Cuneo (Langhe, Monferrato, Moscato d'Asti)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €18.00
“Francesco und Delia, zwei junge Winzer, laden dich ein, ihre Weine zu probieren, begleitet von leckeren lokalen Produkten!”
Thumbnail Weinprobe und E-Bike-Tour zwischen Langhe und Monferrato bei Tojo
Santo Stefano Belbo, Cuneo (Langhe, Monferrato, Moscato d'Asti)
4 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €65.00
“Genieße eine Verkostung von 3 Weinen, gepaart mit lokalen Produkten, und erkunde anschließend die Hügel der Langhe und des Monferrato auf einem E-Bike!”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The Tojo winery is located in Santo Stefano Belbo, the last regions in the Langhe that has recently become part of UNESCO, in an area of Piedmont where the cultivation of vines is part of a prestigious tradition handed down from father to son.

The winery was founded in the early 1900s by my great-grandfather. After my great-grandfather Vittorio, my grandfather Remo and my father Vittorio, finally in 2012 I too (Francesco) joined the company after finishing my oenology studies in Alba. In 2022 my sister Delia also joined the company full-time.

The cultivated area is about 6 hectares. Our vineyards have an optimal exposure facing south. The calcareous-clayey soils and the excellent micro-climate have favored the cultivation of vines for centuries.

The Tojo winery - still today - is rigorously family run and every year produces small quantities of selected wines; the result of grapes vinified with the care and competence that derives from the great tradition of Piedmontese winemakers.

Moscato Secco ALMA: 

Grapes: 100% White Muscat 

Alc. 13-14%

Age of vineyards: 40-50 years Soil: Limestone-Marlstone Exposure South-West South-East Harvest and Processing: Manual
Why choose Alma Escamotage? Because Alma is an innovative wine, completely different from the Moscato d'Asti world. It is dry, rich,
fine, elegant that can be drunk on special occasions but also for an aperitif with friends. It goes very well with fish dishes, excellent with
Sushi but also with simple first courses.
Vinification and Ageing 20/25 days of alcoholic fermentation at a controlled temperature of 13°C,
5% of the mass macerated for 48-70 hours.
8-12 months of Batònage on fine lees. Bottle ageing: at least 8 months.


Moscato d'Asti MELIS

Grapes: 100% White Muscat

Alc. 5-5,5%

Age of vineyards: 40-50 years Soil: Limestone-Marlstone Exposure South-West South-East Harvest and Processing: Manual
Why choose Melis Moscato d'Asti? Simple... to always have the right solution for every type of event, to please everyone from the sweetest friends to the most demanding ones.
friends to the most demanding ones.
Vinification and Refinement
First coarse racking, must in contact with fine lees at
T° 3-4 °C end of November start of Alcoholic fermentation up to
5.5% . bottling.
Refinement in bottle: at least 3 months new vintage put on the market always for Easter of the following year.


Barbera d'Asti Superiore DELIANNA

Grapes: 100% Barbera
Alc. 14-15 %

DeliAnna is powerful, intense, rich in a thousand shades from cherry to blackberry.
nuances from cherry to blackberry to raspberry, ending with spicy notes. Ideal to drink in company, at a meat dinner, but also as an aperitif or with chocolate or
Vinification and Ageing 25 days of alcoholic fermentation and maceration,
subsequent malolactic fermentation.
Ageing in wood: 8-14 months depending on the vintage. Refinement in bottle: at least 6 months


Langhe Favorita FARINELLA

Grape: 100% Favorita
Available: 750 ml
Alc. 13-13,50


Municipality of Production Priocca d'Alba
Grapes: 100% Favorita Age of vines: 30 years Soil: Sandy
Exposure South-West
Grape harvest and processing: Manual
Why choose Farinella Langhe Favorita? Langhe Favorita Farinella is ideal for aperitifs, fish dishes or first courses.
Decisive but delicate wine, very sapid and well balanced with an excellent persistence. Vinification and Ageing
20/25 days of alcoholic fermentation at a controlled temperature of 13°C,
long Batònage on fine lees. Bottle ageing: 30 days


Moscato Passito LO SFIZIO

Grapes: 100% White Muscat
Alc. 13%
Serving temperature: 12-14 °C


Municipality of Production Santo Stefano Belbo
Grapes: 100% Moscato
Yield: 30 q/Ha
Age of vineyards: 80 years
Soil: Calcareous-marly
Harvest and Processing: Manual
Why choose my Lo Sfizio?
Lo Sfizio is a Moscato Passito with an intense golden yellow colour, the only Passito wine made in Piedmont that includes grapes from 2003 and 2016.
2016. The union of old and new, just like my dad and I: experience and innovation in a single bottle. The bouquet is very delicate, marked not only by the typical aromaticity, but also by notes of evolution, roasting, vanilla. The taste is soft, warm, softened by a slight acidity. Notes of honey and tropical fruit stand out and linger pleasantly.
Vinification and Ageing
20 days of alcoholic fermentation at a temperature of 16 °C Maturation in wood:
12 months Older vintage Blended with younger vintage (no wood) Maturation in
bottle: at least 4 months


Parken Frei

