
Una degustazione sorprendente

Bewertung: 5 von 5 8/1/21
Sotto il sole cocente d’agosto , ci ritrovammo in mezzo a vigneti ricchi di storia. Davide ci ha sapientemente illustrato la filosofia dell’azienda agricola basata sull’ecosistema biologico di piante ed animali. Abbiamo degustato i vini i una antica masseria del 1637, sapientemente primo vino è stato un bianco fruttato, denominato Grillo, che accompagna bene gli antipasti. Il secondo. Vino è stato un frappato, piacevole al palato . Ma i vini che hanno deliziato maggiormente il palato sono stati il Cerasuolo di Vittoria ed il Nero d’Avola.
Esperienza da fare per gli amanti del vino . Grande professionalità di Davide ed ottima qualità dei vini

Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weinprobe und Mittagessen in der Vigna di Pettineo in Vittoria
Comiso, Provinz Ragusa (Val di Noto)
3 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 50
Von €45.00
“Erkunde unsere Weinberge bei einer geführten Tour und genieße anschließend ein saisonales Mittagessen, zu dem vier typische sizilianische Weine gereicht werden.”
Thumbnail Selbstgeführte Weinprobe in der Vigna di Pettineo
Comiso, Provinz Ragusa (Val di Noto)
1 Stunde
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 50
Von €25.00
“Verkostung von 4 Weinen, begleitet von Bruschetta, Brot und Olivenöl aus unserer typischen Produktion!”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Vigna di Pettineo is located in the heart of the ‘Classic’ area of production of Cerasuolo di Vittoria D.o.c.g.. It stems from a family tradition and passion of the winemaker Massimo Maggio, attentive and experienced wine entrepreneur, who wants to offer wines with a strong vocation of the “terroir” Ibleo. Pettineo was a small rural village where, until the 60’, farmers lived tied to their vineyards only as those who work the land can do. From these roots comes the biological design Massimo Maggio wants to relive in the same places loved by women and men who have cultivated their land for centuries.

Vigna di Pettineo covers a total area of 25 hectares of which we have reserved 20 to the vineyards. Among them we cultivate Nero d’Avola and Frappato with the old alberate training system that we continue to practice till today. The vineyards, molding between the ancient olive groves and citrus fruit trees, are grown only on the basis of organic farming by creating, in a natural way, a system of biodiversity. The characteristic of the soil is the red colour with medium sandy texture. Soils have a surface layer of 40- 100 cm of red sand, which is originated from the so-called marine terraces, resting on a limestone base that is essential to ensure a continuous water balance of plants, conditions that give character and individuality to the wines produced. On these lands, since centuries, grapes devoted to the production of quality wines are cultivated. Careful selection of grapes allows to keep intact the organoleptic characteristics of the “terroir“. The old winery is located in the centre of the vineyards.


Parken Frei



