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Thumbnail Weinprobe mit Blick auf das Meer und die Alpen auf dem Weingut Brič

2 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 60
Von €35.00
“Genieße einen herrlichen Blick auf die Adria und die Julischen Alpen, während du köstliche Weine in Brič, einem Weingut inmitten der Natur, schlürfst”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The winery Brič is located in the wine-growing district of Slovenian Istria, on a hill above the valley of the Dragonja River, right next to the Slovenian-Croatian border. As shown by the historical sources, the vine was cultivated here long before the establishment of the winery in 2001. The winery was named after the hill and village, which is located above the estate.

The estate covers 30 hectares of ecologically cultivated vineyards and an olive grove. It is situated at an altitude between 270 and 350 meters, making it possible to feel the impact of both the Mediterranean and the Continental climate. Such placement gives to the wines freshness and a great concentration of fruitiness. Due to the immediate proximity of the vineyards to the cellar, the grapes travel from the vineyard to the press in less than half an hour, which allows us to preserve all the flavors in the wines that would otherwise be lost.

We are well aware that excellent wines can be produced only from carefully harvested organic grapes, using the latest technological skills, with careful control of every step in the process of cultivation and the benevolence of nature. In the end, we want that our wines keep the freshness and elegant concentration of varietal aromas.

We focus on premium single-varietal wines from local varieties and also international varieties. Among others we produce locally common orange wines. At our winery you can try wines from white varieties: Malvasia Istriana, Pinot Gris and Yellow Muscat; and from red varieties: Refosco Istriano, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. All our wines carry recognizable taste profile for which is common the balance between freshness thath lifts the fruit taste and proper maturity of the wines. This allows us to showcase the full potential of a variety in our vineyard.