“ The ideal wine tasting option for those who just want something quick and easy without losing the ‘Wow’ factor. ”
From: €29.35
Check Availability!
Duration: 45 Minutes
Cancel Free: 2 Days Prior
Participants: Minimum 2, Maximum Not Specified

Here is what's in store for you

Experience wine tastings at Kenton Park like never before, soaring to new heights with a drone-inspired twist. Get ready for a fun and effortless way to savor your favorite wines without compromising the "Wow" factor.

Discover the joy of indulging in more of the wines you love. Prepare your taste buds for a delightful adventure as you sample six of our finest wines, each thoughtfully paired with delectable bite-sized treats that perfectly complement the flavors. Guided by one of our knowledgeable team members, you'll be regaled with captivating tales of the legendary "Motley Cru."

Immerse yourself in a tasting experience that lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour, allowing ample time to appreciate the intricacies of each wine. And if you're in the mood to continue the celebration, our restaurant awaits, ready to serve you a mouthwatering lunch straight from the vineyard kitchen!

Where we are

Open Map

Booking Policy & Details

Min. 2 persons

How much does it cost?

You can easily check all the prices clicking on 'Check Availability' button and selecting a date

How many people can participate?

Participants: Minimum 2, Maximum Not Specified


  • Tasting of 6 wines
  • A delicious bite sized treat to compliment each wine

Should I book online?

Booking online in advance is required!

How can I book online?

You can do it in less than a minute! Click on the 'Check Availability' button, choose the date and time among those available and fill in the rest of the requested information.

How do I check availability?

Click on the 'Check Availability' button! You'll find an interactive calendar with dates and times!

How many languages are available?

The languages available for this amazing experience are: English. You can choose one of these languages during the booking process.

How long is the experience?

About 45 Minutes

May I cancel the booking for free?

You can cancel for free until 2 Days Prior

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