Reserva una experiencia

Thumbnail Visita a viñedos y bodegas con cata de vinos en la Quinta da Moitinha, en la región de Dão
Vilar Maior, Sao Pedro do Sul
2 Horas
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo 10
Desde €12.00
“Disfruta de una wine experience y saborea néctar artesenal entre impresionantes vistas de las montañas de Montemuro, S. Macário y Freita.”

Sobre la bodega y los vinos

Quinta da Moitinha is located in the parish of Vila Maior, municipality of S. Pedro do Sul, district of Viseu.

The date of its beginnings is not known, but it is certainly from the end of the 19th century.

Quinta da Moitinha is the scene of different events, such as an important meeting of wine producers in the region, gastronomic exhibitions, visits by national and foreign photographers from “Discover Vila Maior 2020”, guided tours and oenological tastings. And in partnership with several tour operators, you receive guided tours with wine tasting, harvest activities, and walking trails, such as “PR10 – Rota da Nossa Senhora das Colmeias”, among other events.

Lafões wine has been a unique pearl since its existence. It has characteristics that cannot be found like it, The  precious liquid has its well-kept secret and is rejuvenating with each harvest of this new millennium and Quinta da Moitinha is prepared to raise the name of Lafões, along with its tourist potential, taking the pleasure of exquisitely satisfying lovers of good nectar, which perfectly accompanies the traditional cuisine of this region, and is also one of its main attractions, given its richness and variety.

We only produce white wines, with 3 qualities:

Harvest, Reserve and Superior