Reserva una experiencia

Thumbnail Randi Vini, el sabor de la tradición en Romaña
Fusignano, Rávena (Romagna)
1 Hora
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo 20
Desde €18.00
“Wine tasting experience in the splendid Romagna area, discovering and tasting the flavour of local tradition”

Sobre la bodega y los vinos

The Randi winery was founded at the end of 800 by the great-grandfather Luigi and evolved, as was the we know today, after the end of the second world war. The brothers work in the company Randi: Denis, who deals with the technical and care of the vineyard, and Massimo, who is in charge of the commercial part and relationship with the customers. The Randi company extends between the municipalities of Fusignano and Alfonsine, in the Romagna plain, to the borders with the Marche and the Adriatic Sea. Always grape producers, since 1999 associated with the “Il Bagnacavallo” consortium for production and enhancement of native grapes. Uva Longanesi, for the production of "Burson" wines; Grapes Famous for the production of "Rambela" wines; Centesimino and Malbo Gentile grapes. Historical vines who find their natural habitat in this environment. In particular, the Longanesi grape, a black berry vine, saved in the pinewood of Classe, oasis botany adjacent to the city of Ravenna, no more than 20 km from our company, with probable Middle Eastern origin. Reaches Ravenna in the period in which the latter was the capital city of the Western Roman Empire and the Classe pinewood was its port. The growth ground is a medium mixture. While the first historical reference that certifies the presence of the Famoso Grape, a grape variety white, in our territory, is dated 1437. It represents the document of the customs duty of the common of Lugo, where the Famoso grape, Uva Rambela, Uva Valdoppiese (synonyms of the same product) entered to be sold locally. These represent the most widespread and important native vines of the Randi winery in Fusignano.

Desde la vendimia de 2018 están en reconversión biológica. El desarrollo, la mejora de nuestras viñas no puede disociarse del crecimiento de nuestro territorio y de las personas que viven en élv de las que forman parte. Gente genuina y sincera como el vino obtenido de las uvas Longanesi; fresco y siempre tan joven como el obtenido de las Uvas Famosas. En la nueva estructura presente en Fusignano, se encuentra la sala de barricas en la que se lleva a cabo la fase final de envejecimiento. Hay una sala de degustación y una tienda. En la bodega Randi es posible hacer catas dirigidas por Massimo, en acompañamiento con comidas típicas de nuestro territorio. La empresa también organiza cenas privadas proponiendo a cada plato una copa del vino que mejor combine.