

Azienda molto avanti rispetto alla realtà italiana....

Azienda molto avanti rispetto alla realtà italiana.
La Sarotto progetta e realizza edifici prefabbricati in vari materiali e tipologie, nel massimo rispetto dell'eco-sostenibilità: sia nella ricerca, progettazione, realizzazione e successiva conduzione delle case prodotte.
Riserva la massima attenzione e disponibilità verso le esigenze del cliente, con la serietà e la passione che la contraddistingue, riuscendo a produrre case ad alto contenuto eco- tecnologico, coniugando il massimo benessere abitativo con un giusto e minor costo rispetto al mercato.
E' un piacere lavorare con loro: provare per credere.
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Top Produkte zu fairen Preisen, und man nimmt sich für die Kunden sehr viel Zeit
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Sobre la bodega y los vinos

Traditional farming methods – slightly modified in order to improve results in the vineyard by means of mechanisation – are followed by the family, with the help of seasonal workers. One of our main priorities is the attention given to the tending of the vineyards, as we firmly believe that good wine grows in the vineyard and develops in the cellar. Today it is Roberto that over-looks all of the Estate and the wine production, from the wine making to the jobs in the field. Roberto's Wife Aurora takes care of much of the office work. As it is a family run winery everyone has their role in the Estate including Roberto's parents that are still active in the vineyards. The Sarotto family settled in Neviglie with the arrival of Giuseppe, who was born in the nearby village of Barbaresco at the end of 1700's.Giuseppe was a farmer, and when he died, he left his vineyards to his three sons: Giulio, Giovanni and Giacomo, and the property was divided into three.Our father, Giacomo Sarotto, began making his own wine and, with the help of his son Giovanni and later his grandson Luigi Giovanni, the business underwent expansion from 1870 to 1930-40.During these years, the family specialised in the production of Dolcetto, exporting it in bulk in wooden barrels as far away as England in the early 1900's.