
Pace, vuoto, silenzio, paesaggio a perdiocchio

Pace, vuoto, silenzio, paesaggio a perdiocchio
Fuente google Mara Pogliani

Beautiful vineyard and wine cave with an...

Beautiful vineyard and wine cave with an excellent presentation of the wines and the production process (we had Elena as our guide, trilingual and extremely knowledgeable).
Interesting selection of wines at the tasting after the tour.
Fuente google Joe DC

Bella cantina e grande disponibilità

Bella cantina e grande disponibilità
Fuente google Alessandr Colombo

Ottima accoglienza (brava Valentina) ... Grandi vini,...

Ottima accoglienza (brava Valentina) ... Grandi vini, anche se suggerisco qualche sconto extra o un regalo quando si compra tanto ;)
Fuente google Vittorio Bottacin
¡Escribe tu opinión!

Sobre la bodega y los vinos

There is no vineyard, no terroir, without the land. To love it is simple, but not easy. The land is generous and alive. It is beautiful. It needs understanding and time. It takes your breath away with its colors and many wonders. The land asks for absolute dedication. It asks to be loved for better or worse, in abundance and scarcity. The land is almost more than a house. It's part of our life and asks to be guarded with the same tenderness that we have for our loved ones. And the amazing thing is that, despite all the difficulties, to love it does not need any effort.