Réserver une expérience

Thumbnail Dégustation easy à Tenuta L'Armonia
Montecchio Maggiore, Vicence
1 Heure
Participants : Minimum 2, Maximum Non spécifié
De €20.00
“Essaie notre boîte contenant les meilleures charcuteries et les meilleurs fromages de la région, ainsi que du pain complet et des produits frais easy 33 !”
Thumbnail Connaître l'Armonia
Montecchio Maggiore, Vicence
1 Heure 30 Minutes
Participants : Minimum 2, Maximum Non spécifié
De €30.00
“Découvre la pensée de Tenuta l'Armonia en dégustant 4 vins qui symbolisent notre philosophie en accord avec 4 plats froids super frais”
Thumbnail Expérience Armonia
Montecchio Maggiore, Vicence
3 Heures
Participants : Minimum 2, Maximum Non spécifié
De €50.00
“L'essence de l'Armonia: 6 vins emblématiques (dont le LAB) dans un circuit de dégustation de 3 heures !”
Thumbnail Dégustation avec le vigneron à Tenuta l'Armonia
Montecchio Maggiore, Vicence
3 Heures 30 Minutes
Participants : Minimum 2, Maximum Non spécifié
De €70.00
“Assieds-toi à la table avec Andrea et savoure un voyage unique.”

À propos du vignoble et des vins

Tenuta l'Armonia, established in 2010 in the enchanting province of Vicenza, amidst the Montecchio Maggiore hills, is an ambitious agricultural venture. Our primary objective is to celebrate the richness of traditional grapes cultivated on three distinct volcanic terroirs, adhering to the three core principles of production.

Discover a delightful array of eight wines, each one beautifully narrating the essence of our terroir, harmonizing with other high-quality agricultural offerings.

For us, the agricultural process goes hand in hand with a profound gastronomic experience. Hence, we proudly present our own Armonia Gourmet brand, fueled by our passion for exquisite pairings. Embark on a journey of delightful flavors, where wine and cuisine converge to create moments of pure harmony.

The captivating expressiveness and tension found in each glass of our wine stem from our meticulous agricultural endeavors. Guided by the unique demands of diverse terroirs, we diligently work towards achieving our desired objectives. Our unwavering focus lies in showcasing autochthonous varieties, preserving their true essence.

Embracing a deep commitment to the environment, we employ a multitude of agronomical practices that respect and cater to the natural needs of the plants and soil, completely free from the use of chemical products. Embracing the principles of organic and biodynamic farming, we infuse our agricultural philosophy with a blend of modern practices, rooted in utmost reverence for the land. Experience the essence of our conscious winemaking, where nature's harmonious dance blends seamlessly with modern innovation.