

Visita con degustazione molto interessante guidata dal...

Visita con degustazione molto interessante guidata dal bravissimo Giovanni; abbiamo visto per la prima volta un palmento vero che fino agli anni 80 era in funzione con meccanismi semplici ma geniali.
Degustazione di 6 vini di buon livello tra cui il cerasuolo più buono che abbia bevuto fino ad ora.
Source: google Claudio D'Anduono

La cantina Valle dell'Acate

La cantina Valle dell'Acate
Source: google Francesco Ferreri
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À propos du vignoble et des vins

Valle dell’Acate (literally “Acate Valley”) is located in the historic Bidini domain, amid the winding hills of Valle del Dirillo. Giuseppe Jacono founded the cantina at the end of the 19th century. The Jacono family has been active in vine growing and winemaking ever since Vittoria was Sicily’s epicenter for exporting wine to France. Since then, this familial vocation has been safeguarded and handed down over generations, with the shared desire to establish a name for the family’s wines on an international level. Valle dell’Acate has continued this tradition, specializing in the cultivation of the most prized and productive autochthonous vines, creating superior wines, including the crown jewel of Sicilian winemaking: the Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG. Over time the company’s spirit has become an authentic expression of the way it makes wine. Our longstanding winemaking tradition dovetails harmoniously with nature, resulting in wines of extraordinary quality and character. Today Valle dell’Acate, run by the latest generation of the Jacono family together with the Ferreri family, is one of the most important winemaking realities in southeastern Sicily, committed to further ennobling the longstanding vineyard traditions of the Ragusa province, within the Acate-Comiso-Vittoria triangle.

The Valle dell’Acate winemaking company is located near Acate, a town in the Ragusa province, on the edge of southeastern Sicily. The surrounding territory vaunts unparalleled natural, artistic and architectural patrimony. Travel through a new, unusual land where your eyes drift across distant places, stopping only at the horizon to take in the long ridge of Iblei Mountains, hinting at the ancient pathways men followed down to the sea at Acre, Casmene and Camarina. The extreme southeastern reaches of Sicily include the Ibleo plateau, located within the Ragusa province. The territory is characterized by a variety of landscapes, natural beauties, archeological and historical sites that are not well known to the outside world. The countryside, at once sweet and arid, includes fertile flatlands that slope gently down towards the low, uniform coastline, betraying a web of dry, white stone walls that mark individual fields and disappear into sandy dunes and rocky outcroppings amid a crystal turquoise sea. The territory is unique, unlike any other.