Prenota un'Esperienza

Thumbnail Visita e degustazione di 3 vini presso Prior Lucas a Coimbra
Souselas, Coimbra
1 Ora
Partecipanti: Minimo 2, Massimo Non specificato
Da €40.00
“Visita alla cantina con degustazione di 3 vini e 1 olio d'oliva”
Thumbnail Circuito tra bici e vino presso Prior Lucas a Coimbra
Souselas, Coimbra
3 Ore
Partecipanti: Minimo 2, Massimo 8
Da €100.00
“Scopri i nostri vigneti in bicicletta! Degusta 5-6 vini mentre esplori i vigneti e recupera le energie con un delizioso spuntino regionale”
Thumbnail Speciale pranzo in cantina da Prior Lucas
Souselas, Coimbra
3 Ore
Partecipanti: Minimo 2, Massimo 8
Da €100.00
“Pranzo con degustazione di 2 vini in abbinamento da Prior Lucas a Coimbra”
Thumbnail Pranzo o cena nel Centenario Vigneto di Prior Lucas
Souselas, Coimbra
3 Ore
Partecipanti: Minimo 2, Massimo 10
Da €150.00
“Un pranzo o una cena speciale nel vigneto storico di Prior Lucas, per vivere un'esperienza enogastronomica davvero indimenticabile”

Cantina e Vini

Hi, I'm Bairradino Rui Lucas, Winemaker 'PRIOR LUCAS'. When we reach a certain age, we have sometimes introspections about who we are and what we do. In a way of changing my life i returned to my origins, to my roots and I do something that brings me joy from beginning to end of the day. I decided to produce wine, preserve the viticultural heritage of my land, which is unique and irreplaceable, and reconcile our tradition in wine production and the social custom of drinking wine, these are passions that I want to share with the world. So, in 2013 I created the brand PRIOR LUCAS with the motto that each bottle of wine has its own story.

Given that the word PRIOR refers us to religion, to the divine, to the mystical, I always intend to have this connection with the name of the wines; The second is about the acronyms, W, R, S, P, I tell you that they make the connection between two of my passions. The rallies and the wines. The rest of the story is for the visits.


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