Main image of Abrami Elisabetta

Abrami Elisabetta
(Winery in Lombardy)

Swathed in gentle breezes from the prealpine valleys, our grapes grow and mature in optimum conditions in the sun-drenched hills bordering Lake Iseo. Each soil type has its own kind of vineyard: Our land is selected and acquired to attain the very best results and stretches for 15 hectares between Provaglio d’Iseo, Passirano and Paderno Franciacorta. Excellent wine is brought to life in our vineyards through: careful vine selection, a low vine density per hectare, manual grape harvesting at peak ripeness, a low production per vine and a high degree of respect towards the environment. Each phase of production from the vineyard to the cellar is carried out employing distinct techniques. These techniques are based on rigid fundamentals and strict regulations which ensure that specific methods and expertise are used at each phase. The unique characteristics of our Franciacorta wine are achieved through the all-important meticulous and accurate selection of the land and of the grape variety. Abrami_13Great importance is placed on the grape pressing phase: only the best must, obtained from the soft and gentle first press, is used in the production of our wine. Further to this, the product is stored in our well ventilated and thermo-conditioned wine cellar in Provaglio. We are extremely devoted to our sole objective of achieving excellence in order to offer a new, high quality and honed product which nevertheless stems from ancient origins. For us, the summit of the mountain can only be reached when the special union that exists between tradition, technology and our fertile land is permanently kept alive and can remain intact.
Main image of Az. Agricola Massussi Luigi Franciacorta

Az. Agricola Massussi Luigi Franciacorta
(Winery in Lombardy)

The Massussi Farm was founded in 1985 started by her husband Vittorio and Giuseppina Ruggeri Massussi with the support of the maternal father Augustine, whose love for the land has given a great stimulus to the first years of activity. The Massussi family's passion for viticulture dates from the mid nineteenth century, when the forefather Louis already produced red wine. The vineyards planted in the early '80s to initiate the first experiments on the classical method that led to the first 500 bottles of bubbly in 1985. Currently the guidance of the Agricultural Massussi is entrusted to his son Louis, who in addition to the traditional production of Rosso IGT Sebino Pian sun Curtefranca the DOC, the bubbles and the vintage Franciacorta DOCG Chevalier Remuar DOCG, has joined the firm VDT rosy Venus, unusual Franciacorta, reaching high levels of quality and prestigious awards thanks to modern technology, and Passito IGT Sebino Full of Enchantment and very limited production. The specific location of the vineyards on the hills of Lake Iseo, at an altitude of 400 m, the microclimate created by the proximity of the lake, the cool breezes at night and the ground by the particular composition, constitute a unique terroir in Franciacorta for unique Products. The Massussi Farm, also produces extra virgin olive oil with Protected Designation of Origin-Sebino Laghi Lombardi in conversion to BIOLOGICAL, which draws from over seven hundred olive trees owned by him. The suave delicacy, unique color and silky taste on the palate are its characteristics.
Main image of Cantine Biondelli Societa' Agricola S.R.L.

Cantine Biondelli Societa' Agricola S.R.L.
(Winery in Lombardy)

The territory of Franciacota includes the Morenic Field which stretches south from Lake Iseo in that part of the Province of Brescia set in-between the Rivers Mella to the East and Olio to the West and that reaches out to the slopes of the Montorfano Hill. An area of extraordinary beauty which stretches from the banks of Lake Iseo across gentle hills and evocative valleys embellished by ancient villages, medieval castles, patrician villas, churches and remote abbeys. Different theories try to explain the origin of the name of this region, but the most plausible of them has the name Franciacorta descending from "Franchae Curtes". These were communities of Benedictine Monks who took possession of the area during the middle ages and that were granted fiscal exemption due to their work of drainage and reclamation of the land.
Main image of La Manèga - Franciacorta

La Manèga - Franciacorta
(Winery in Lombardy)

Pregiata azienda vinicola in Franciacorta. Visite e degustazioni in cantina. La Manèga è l’azienda agricola fondata nel 1992 da Natale Rizzini. Ricchezza dell’attività è il vigneto che occupa poco meno di tre ettari sulle colline di Gussago, nel zona orientale della Franciacorta. L'impianto della vigna è sviluppato su terrazzamenti, sempre ben soleggiato e ventilato; la maturazione delle uve si determina già ai primi giorni d’Agosto, tempo nel quale si effettua la vendemmia. Il raccolto è in media, di circa 50 quintali per ettaro. L’appezzamento è costituito principalmente da uve Chardonnay. Nei primi anni di vita dell’azienda, l’uva veniva ceduta a rinomate cantine della Franciacorta. Successivamente si è deciso di produrre vino in proprio, senza però trascurare il punto cardine che ha portato alla nascita dell’azienda: la passione. L’uva sempre di ottima qualità crea un vino pregiato che ha permesso a “La Manèga” di ottenere la denominazione Franciacorta DOCG nel 2005. Da alcuni anni La Manèga partecipa attivamente agli eventi di Cantine Aperte, organizzati dal Movimento Turismo del Vino, ed è socia del Consorzio per la tutela del Franciacorta.
Main image of Romantica Holiday

Romantica Holiday
(Winery in Lombardy)

The cellar of Romantica is built on two floors. The upper floor guests the entire wine-making areas. The grapes, harvested in our vineyards next to the winery, are conducted in small boxes in the pressing zone. The musts are immediately headed to the new technological vinification area where the wine enters the stainless steel tanks in order to become the basis for the next Franciacorta wine. These tanks are all controlled by a central computer that manages the temperatures. The lower floor is the aging part of the winery. Here pupitres guard the bottles on the lees of our Franciacorta Brut and Satèn, which will become the incredible Franciacorta Romantica . The lower level also houses the family’s private cellar, which collects the most precious Franciacorta bottles The barrique of Romantica are also set at this level and the space that surrounds them leads to the connecting tunnel between the cellar and the Restaurant. Our philosophy is to transmit and to make known. That’s why Romantica can be visited everyday and in every place. Organize your visit in the cellar, your Franciacorta wine tasting or a special dinner during which you will learn about our Franciacorta.
Main image of Concarena

(Winery in Lombardy)

A Cemmo, ai piedi del monte Concarena in Vallecamonica, gli inverni sono rigidi e l'estate è mite. D'autunno, quando le uve maturano, la notte è decisamente fresca mentre il giorno porta con se ancora strascichi d'estate. Così le nostre uve maturano lentamente e in armonia. Ogni anno, nel mese di ottobre, da quelle uve nascono i nostri vini: il Videt e il Barabant.

(Winery in Lombardy)

Correva il 1937 quando Giacomo Bottarelli, industriale a Brescia nel settore delle calze, decise di trasformare in un serio impegno imprenditoriale quella che fino ad allora era stata soltanto una famigliare passione per la viticoltura. Fondò quindi con il fratello le “Cantine Giacomo & Fabio Bottarelli” che commercializzavano i frutti di una vasta azienda che con quindici mezzadrie si estendeva per circa 200 ha tra i comuni di Calvagese, Puegnago e Polpenazze del Garda. Qui, nella piccola frazione Picedo, aveva sede l’azienda che ben presto caratterizzò l’immagine di questo piccolo borgo delle colline dell’alta Valtenesi come vero cuore produttivo della viticoltura del Garda Bresciano. Nel 1959 alla morte di Giacomo i due figli Franco e Valerio raccolsero l’eredità del padre e nel 1967, per dare sfogo a giovanili entusiasmi e ad un sincero attaccamento alla tradizione, abbandonarono lo zio per creare l’attuale Azienda Agricola Franco & Valerio Bottarelli, ovvero una moderna azienda frutto di un equilibrato connubio tra passato, presente e futuro. Dalla fine degli anni settanta, in seguito alla morte dell’ancor giovane Franco, Valerio è rimasto l’unico proprietario e conduce l’azienda con il supporto della terza generazione, i figli Stefano e Roberto. Situata a Picedo di Polpenazze del Garda, sulle colline dell’alta Valtenesi prospicienti la Riviera Bresciana del Lago di Garda, l’azienda si trova a metà strada tra i ben noti comuni di Salò e Desenzano del Garda/Sirmione. L’attuale composizione presenta circa quindici ettari in proprietà coltivati prevalentemente a vigneto ed in misura residuale ad oliveto. Le coltivazioni vengono eseguite nel rispetto dell’ambiente con criteri di basso impatto dettati dalle più recenti normative comunitarie. Le uve coltivate nei terreni di proprietà sono Groppello Gentile, Marzemino, Sangiovese, Barbera, Riesling Italico e Chardonnay, mentre il Trebbiano di Lugana viene acquistato in zona di produzione.
Main image of Bricco dei Roncotti (Oltrepò Pavese)

Bricco dei Roncotti
(Winery in Lombardy)

The farm is located in southern Lombardy, Italy, in the village of Canneto Pavese (PV), and was founded in 1997 by William Colombo and his family. All the vineyards of our farm sit on the slopes of a hill, hystorically named Bricco dei Roncotti (the word "bricco" means very steep). In the 1997 the Roncotti hill reborned. It was the constancy and the will of my father, who died in 2018, to guide us in the recovery of the hill. Despite the vineyards layed abandoned, too difficult the cultivation and very few the production, we didn't lose heart and started an incredible job, believing in this amazing hill, sure of the potential in the production of excellent wines. As climbers we knew that where it is difficult, the best results are achieved. The steep slopes weren't a problem for our family of explorers and climbers. My dad Arnaldo climbed all italian mountains ranging over 4000 meters and many other peak up to 7000 during his exploration trips run in the seventies with my mum Maria Rosa, even accross Sahara desert without any technological help, except a compass. William is a snowboarder, with a passion for halfpipe, he won the Italian cup and partecipate to several world cup races. William is graduated in Environment engineering and could design waste water treatment plants and soil and groundwater remediation activities. Today high quality of a wine born in the vineyard and Bricco dei Roncotti for exposure, soil and slope is ideal for a perfect ripening of the grapes. Each season influence the characteristics of the final product and the wine results different every year, according to climate.
Main image of Tenuta Le Fracce (Oltrepò Pavese)

Tenuta Le Fracce
(Winery in Lombardy)

In 1999 the winemaker Roberto Gerbino took over the helm of the winery beginning a new course in the history of Le Fracce. Thanks to him, the activity of promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the viticultural field carried out by the Bussolera-Branca Foundation, owner of the Estate, finds a real field of application: Roberto implements in the vineyards and in the cellar the results of the scientific researches that the Foundation has financed over the years – from the use of mushrooms as natural protectors of the cuttings to the induction of resistance to drought – by giving wines a definition of great quality. Roberto also concentrates his energies on enhancing a vine that is part of the tradition of the area: Pinot Noir. In 2003 two labels dedicated to this noble red wine were born: il “Riserva” and il “Moro”. In 2015 a new chapter of the estate: Roberto, together with his friend Giorgio Visconti, took over the direct management of the winery, putting himself at stake. A choice of belonging and courage thanks to which Roberto succeeded in transmitting the philosophy of the Foundation and his vision in wines: excellence, personality, precision, territoriality.
Main image of Tenuta degli Angeli (Valcalepio)

Tenuta degli Angeli
(Winery in Lombardy)

Tenuta degli Angeli marks excellence in the Lombardy region in the wine world, and was opened in S. Stefano in Carobbio degli Angeli in 1984. e vineyard, known as the “bomboniera” (favour) was planted by the great passion and wine-making expertise of the founder Pierangelo Testa, creating a small corner of paradise where the microclimate, the soil rich with calcareous marlstone, the southern exposure, layout of the terraces and man’s great experience all guarantee a unique wine. e baton has been passed onto the female side of the family and Tenuta degli Angeli is now managed by Manuela with her daughters Laura, Roberta and Maria and her son Francesco. In the traditional masculine world of wine making the farm has managed to make its name, with the great sensitivity and determination of these five “angels”.
Main image of Caven Camuna (Valtellina)

Caven Camuna
(Winery in Lombardy)

The CAVEN CAMUNA winery was established in 1982 by the brothers Stefano and Simone Nera. The name derives from the fact that in ancient times a place called Caven, where the wine estate’s premises are situated, was inhabited by a Camunian population, of which archaeological finds of historical value have been uncovered, arousing great interest among researchers and experts on the subject. One of these rock drawings, called “Mother Earth” – the symbol of fertility and the industriousness of this civilization – undoubtedly the most interesting, is preserved in palazzo Besta in Teglio. A path called “The archaeological path of Caven” , which crosses the places where these archaeological finds were discovered, has also been built.
Main image of Azienda Agricola Vigna Dorata (Franciacorta)

Azienda Agricola Vigna Dorata
(Winery in Lombardy)

The winery is a medium-small winery that devotes its work to exalting the terroir of Franciacorta. The cultivation of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir began in 1980 when the family decided to dedicate itself to the world of wine and thus abandon the mixed farming that had begun in the early 1900s. The Vigna Dorata brand was born in 1995 when the first bottle of the company's wine was officially produced with re-fermentation in the bottle.
Main image of Azienda Agricola Ca' Lojera (Garda Lake)

Azienda Agricola Ca' Lojera
(Winery in Lombardy)

The Tiraboschi family's Ca' Lojera estate means "home of the wolves". The winery only makes wine from its own grapes, harvested from 20 hectares of vineyards; the white Lugana grapes are grown on the flat, compact clay soil and the Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are grown on the hills. The company produces an average of 160,000 bottles of wine per year, distributed on the national market to restaurants, wine bars and wine shops and also exported in good percentage.
Main image of Tenuta Conte Vistarino

Tenuta Conte Vistarino
(Winery in Lombardy)

In 1850, Count Augusto Giorgi di Vistarino was the first person to plant Pinot Noir in the Oltrepò, by importing the shoots directly from France and thus giving rise to the great sparkling wine tradition of the Oltrepò Pavese. From the first year of activity up to the current generation represented by Ottavia Giorgi di Vistarino, the vision remains the same: to better interpret the noble grape variety by pursuing the highest quality while respecting the territory and its vocation. The Giorgi di Vistarino Family, owner since the mid-15th century of a large agricultural estate in the municipality of Rocca de’ Giorgi in the Oltrepò Pavese, has helped to define over time the intimate link between viticulture and terroir within an oasis uncontaminated of great landscape and wildlife interest.

More information on Lombardy

Located at the northern end of the country, Lombardy is one of the largest Italian regions. Although tourism isn’t the region’s primary activity, during your time in Lombardy you will be able to enjoy winery visits immersed in beautiful landscapes and explore the ample artistic heritage that the region has to offer.

While in Lombardy, your winery visits will be mainly based in one of the region’s most important wine production areas: Oltrepò Pavese, Franciacorta and Valtellina. Here, modern winemaking techniques, good soils and favorable climatic conditions allowed the producers to obtain high-quality standards and international fame. During your wine tastings in Lombardy, you will have the chance to taste the typical wines of this region, which include 15 IGT wines, 23 DOC, and 5 DOCG.

Which food to taste in Lombardy?

Lombardy doesn’t only offer a great selection of wines, which you’ll taste during your winery visits, but also a wide selection of artisanal products and traditional recipes. Some noteworthy dishes we recommend trying are pizzoccheri alla valtellinese, casoncelli, risotto alla Milanese (with saffron) or with persico (a lake fish), Milanese cutlet, fried frog legs, polenta concia.

Which wines to taste in Lombardy?

Your winery visits in Lombardy will often include a tour of the wineries’ vineyards. Here you will learn how the vines grown in this region variate between territories. In Valtellina, you will predominantly find black grape types, like Nebbiolo, Pignola, Rossola and Brugnola. In Oltrepò Pavese, the main grape variety is Barbera, followed by Croatina, Bonarda and Pinot Nero, as well as Riesling, Moscato and Malvasia. Finally, Franciacorta is the land of Pinot Nero, Pinot Bianco and Chardonnay.

Which is the best season to visit Lombardy?

Thanks to the diverse territory of Lombardy, you can organize wine tastings and visits to the region’s wineries throughout the year. Spring and autumn remain the most popular seasons to visit Lombardy thanks to their predominantly good weather and moderate temperatures.

What things to do in Lombardy?

During your time in Lombardy, you will be able to combine wine tastings and winery visits with a multitude of other activities. We recommend dedicating some time to visiting a few of Lombardy’s gems, such as the cities of Milan, Mantova, Bergamo and Brescia, Lake Como and its stunning Villa Carlotta and Villa del Balbianello, Lake Garda and its Scaligero Castle. If you are visiting the area of Valtellina, don’t miss out on Bormio and its old thermal baths and the Stelvio National Park.