
The friendliest wine makers and staff....they showed...

The friendliest wine makers and staff....they showed us around the shell of the building that was being renovated. The wine was year later, we have just finished a bottle from there! AMAZING !
Source: google Ross Clark
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About Winery and Wines

Nestled amongst rolling, oak-studded hills on the outskirts of San Luis Obispo, California, is a unique little winery: Filipponi Ranch. Family-owned and operated, this boutique winery began with the vision of founder Herb Filipponi whose father, Lorenzo, immigrated to America from Switzerland in the early 1900’s with the dream of a better life! After purchasing and settling on this 300-acre ranch, Lorenzo started a dairy farm where Filipponi Ranch is located today. Aspects of that ranch from the 1900s still exists in the current ranch today. Filipponi means family. The logo used on our wine label today is the same brand that was used on the family’s beef cattle. The bell shape represents the bells the cows would wear in their Swiss village of Gordevio. The cross represents the Swiss flag.