

It's good place

It's good place
Source: google William Osorio

Great wine! Tasting room is beautiful and...

Great wine! Tasting room is beautiful and unique. They serve a food tasting to pair with the wine that is magnificent, stop here on your tour in Napa and you won't be disappointed.
Source: google Blake Hedlund
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About Winery and Wines

Artisan wines: built from the heart, crafted by the hands. Winemaking, like parenting, is an art always reinvented. Every year it's different, just as every child is different. There are guidelines, of course, but no defined set of rules. You adapt to accompany each as they develop and grow. Control does not really work... If nature has given our grapes unique personality, why should we attempt to alter their course with excessive manipulation, or the use of technical specifications -- jamming them into the mold of "standardized" wines? Have you ever tried to "standardize" your children? They run away!!! Wine is like salt and pepper, it's another spice to food. Some may say, wine is art, and we agree, but one that is meant to be swallowed – not stared at. Yes wine is unique and special, but that should not put it on a pedestal. Wine is not an ego thing...it is a pleasure to the senses. YOUR senses. Not others'. Yes, it is OK to have your own taste – that is what wine, and parenting, and life is all about! But just in case you are having trouble deciding what your taste is....VGS keeps it simple: good things speak for themselves.