
Una bella esperienza degustativa

Consiglio vivamente una visita all'azienda El Zeremia tanta storia in un bicchiere, accoglienza ottima e tutto ben preparato.

Una giornata spesa bene

Location un po' impegnativa da raggiungere,ma suggestiva e meritevole. Piccola realtà famigliare di nicchia con accoglienza calorosa. La signora sa trasmettere la passione e la storia del suo lavoro. Ottimi i vini di groppello e gli abbondanti assaggi.
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Réserver une expérience

Thumbnail Wine experience dans le Trentin dans une cave familiale - Dégustation de vin El Zeremia
Sanzeno, Trente
2 Heures
Participants : Minimum 2, Maximum 45
De $20.65
“Découverte du Groppello de Revò, un vin autochtone issu de l'illustre passé des Habsbourg !”

À propos du vignoble et des vins

The farm El Zeremia, consisting of about 4 hectares (2 cultivated with apples and 2 with vines), is located in the municipality of Revò in Val di Non in the province of Trento; it was inherited by my father Zadra Augusto in 1991, the year in which his grandfather Tullio, who was a farmer and curator of an ancient Groppello grape from Revò, died. In his will there was written that he left "the vineyard in inheritance to his last son Augusto of seven children and that he had to keep it and cultivate it for at least ten years." It was a phrase that my father treasured as he not only continued to work but fell in love with it to the point that in 2001 his product was recognized as a native wine of Val Di Non, thanks to DNA studies done by the agrarian institute of San Michele.  

Le Groppello, souvent confondu avec le Groppelli plus célèbre du côté de Brescia du lac de Garde, a des origines très anciennes. Son histoire ancienne est certainement documentée dans les chroniques de Mariani, dans lesquelles nous lisons que dans les dernières années du territoire appartenant à l'Empire austro-hongrois, il y avait une production de près de 50 mille hectolitres de vin qui partaient pour Vienne, à la cour de l'empereur François-Joseph.