Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Besuch und Premium Weinprobe im Weingut Gorgo
Sommacampagna, Verona (Gardasee, Custoza)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 30
Von €35.00
“Wir produzieren auf biologische Weise; das Ökosystem des Weinbaus ist so weit wie möglich im Gleichgewicht, um bestmöglich zu arbeiten”
Thumbnail Pic Nic im Herzen von Custoza auf der Azienda Agricola Gorgo
Sommacampagna, Verona (Gardasee, Custoza)
2 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 6, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €35.00
“Ein neues, unübersehbares Erlebnis bei Azienda Agricola Gorgo mit einer Führung durch das Weingut und Pic Nic mit typischen Produkten aus der Region.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Roberta Bricolo is currently at the helm of the family company, founded by her parents Alberta and Roberto in 1975. Since its earliest days, it has been devoted to the production of the classic wines of this wonderful corner of the Veneto, between Verona and Lake Garda, the quintessential produce of this region. The cellar is part of the history of the Verona region and the path that led to its creation sheds light on the lives of people who are used to making courageous choices. Indeed, Roberta’s parents turned their backs on the businesses of their respective families to pursue together the dream of a wine production company, investing their bodies and souls in the endeavour. Roberto’s courage and imagination were matched by Alberta’s elegance and determination as together, from the 1980s onward, they brought their wines to an appreciative public, first in the Verona region and later in broader international forums, at the same time becoming interpreters and pioneers of the modern concept of hospitality, taking real pleasure in generously welcoming to the cellar guests who wanted to experience it first hand and get to know their faces.

The morainic soils deposited in the large amphitheatre east of Lake Garda by retreating glaciers during the Quaternary Period formed low, gentle hills overlooking the Po Valley. In 1973, the Gorgo agricultural company was founded on these lands, so suited to the cultivation of vines (there are traces of vines as far back as the Bronze Age), near the little village of Custoza in the municipality of Sommacampagna (VR).


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