
Una degustazione bellissima

Era la prima volta che prenotavo una degustazione da questo sito e tutto si è svolto in modo veloce, facile e senza complicazioni; per quanto riguarda invece la visita in sé, è stata bellissima: Silvia, la figlia del proprietario e nostra guida, si è dimostrata di una gentilezza e competenza incredibili e ha soddisfatto tutte le nostre curiosità e anche di più sui vini e l’azienda agricola. Non avremmo potuto desiderare una guida migliore, né una degustazione migliore! Tutti i vini che abbiamo assaggiato sono stati eccellenti e conoscere le persone che li producono li rende ancora più speciali. Il posto poi è meraviglioso. Siamo rimasti entrambi più che entusiasti e soddisfatti dall’esperienza e ci siamo portati a casa bottiglie per noi e i nostri parenti appassionati. Consiglio al mille per mille Il Pignetto e Winedering!
Se andate a Il Pignetto assolutamente il loro Custoza 218 e il Morandone, entrambi vini complessi ed eccellenti che ci hanno lascito senza parole.
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Thumbnail Weinprobe im Weingut Il Pignetto
Bussolengo, Verona (Gardasee)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 20
Von €25.00
“Genieße unsere Weine, von den traditionellsten und typischen Produkten bis hin zu den kreativsten, in einer entspannten und gemütlichen Atmosphäre.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Our winery is located on the morainal hills that frame south-eastern Lake Garda, near to the beautiful Verona. Our history begins in 1930 when granddad Benvenuto Morando arrived and settled here with his large family, as he was attracted by a favourably positioned and sun-kissed land. In the 1960s, through great sacrifices and tenacity his son Giuseppe bought the land and started the cultivation of the vine. In the following years we strengthen our tradition and passion for wines, that now moves Adriano in taking care of the vineyard and producing the best wine. Through a great deal of experience and professional growth, an important step was taken into the future as he built a new winery in 2010. The investment was designed to welcome and adopt innovative wine-making technologies, in order to get the best from the grapes in a natural way. Our cellar offers the direct sale of the wine we produce. We have typical products of the Lake Garda, such as Bardolino, Chiaretto and Custoza, but many others: more structured red wines, sparkling wines and moreover!

A wine is a refined and precious product, but it requires the most cured pairings to be at its best. If you are looking for information on our products or if you are searching something special to surprise your guests, you are in the right place! The wine we sell are produced exclusively with our grapes and we follow all the production process (except for sparkling wines that are made sparkling and bottled by a partner). We offer different DOC wines (Denominazione di Origine Controllata, controlled designation of origin), such as Custoza and Bardolino, but also many other specialities, such as our “Morandone” or our “Campo del Bepi”, to pay homage at grandfather Giuseppe. If you are getting more and more curious about us please come to visit our winery: a taste is worth a thousand words, and for you, a great pleasure.


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