
Una bellissima esperienza

Ho regalato questa esperienza di degustazione al mio compagno, per il nostro anniversario, e siamo rimasti super felici.
Partendo dall'accoglienza del personale, molto cordiale..
La spiegazione della lavorazione e la degustazione sono stati molto piacevoli. Consiglio a tutti , ma se siete qua, sapete già, che vale la pena fare esperienze di questo genere...


Very good experience

Esperienza buona, vino ottimo e cantina molto interessante. Compreremo altro vino

Passione e cura al dettaglio

Una mattina decisamente spesa bene quella che abbiamo trascorso in degustazione alla cartina Perticaia. Siamo stati accolti e guidati per oltre due ore tra le strutture della cantina poi nel percorso tra i loro vini più rappresentativi. Complice il mese (febbraio) abbiamo goduto della guida (davvero brava e appassionata) in esclusiva e ci siamo davvero immersi nel territorio nella storia e nel sapori di questa terra. Qualità prezzo ottima sia per il tempo sia perché i vini proposti sono 6 accompagnati da salumi e formaggi della zona. Menzione di merito per la produzione Riserva e l’assaggio del Sagrantino 2003.
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Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Exklusives Weinerlebnis auf dem Weingut Perticaia
Montefalco, Perugia (Sagrantino)
2 Stunden 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €60.00
“Genieße eine besondere, entspannende Zeit mit Blick auf die Weinberge, umgeben von der Ruhe der Natur.”
Thumbnail Klassisches Weinerlebnis auf dem Weingut Perticaia
Montefalco, Perugia (Sagrantino)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €35.00
“Genieße eine besondere Zeit auf dem Weingut Perticaia, inklusive einer 5-Etiketten-Verkostung.”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

Perticaia was establish in the early two-thousand with only 6 acres of vineyard planted the word Perticaia was in fact used to represent the plow in the fifty, the instrument that sets the passage from sheep-farming to agriculture, it has in fact established a deep and indissoluble bond between farmers and earth.

Lately this forgotten word was use by our owner to indicate our lovely winery, situated in Montefalco Umbria green heart region of Italy.


Now Perticaia is more close to an organic farm model, in fact the structure of the winery has been completely inserted so that the vine plants can grow and respect the environment, the nature and the ecosystem of the place.


The winery today has 50 acres of land between fields, olives trees and vines such as:

Sagrantino and Trebbiano Spoletino that are the most representative and import types of the area, along the international varieties of Sangiovese, cabernet Franc and Sauvignon a propriety owned by the Becca family.

The production of our winery is not the same every year, in fact due the climate season change the amount of bottle can variate between 100.000-120.000 per year.

Our team to prevent any critical situation follows the maturation of the fruit constantly once the grapes has grown to the full potential we will do an entirely manual picking of the grapes; all the production that comes from our own grown local varieties and international will be delivered in the hand of our enologist, that will work on it with full respect making the process of fermentation start completely by natural manner through the use of native leavens that are naturally present on the skin of the grapes.

Done with the process of fermentation the wine will improve in tanks of steel or in the selected French oak barrels depending on what bottle we are about to  producing.

Since each production is unique, but the goal for us is always the same:

To make a wine with a great character and nice elegance that can be love and appreciate by anyone


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