
Un percorso di fascino e storia

L' esperienza presso la tenuta di Capezzana è stata ricca di storia ed emozioni. Passato e presente si fondono in una visione del futuro innovativo. Non solo ottimi vini e tanta professionalità ma anche passione e amore per un lascito che la terra trova negli odierni produttori degli eredi lungimiranti
Insieme alla degustazione dei cinque vini, offrirei anche il vin santo, eccellenza del luogo

Intimate cooking class

My friends and I (bachelorette trip) had such an amazing time! We felt that the cooking class was very intimate (which was perfect) and very fun! The chefs were very nice and explained every detailed of the meals. The entire staff was amazing , from the wine service, to lunch , to the wine tour, everything was perfect. I would recommend the cooking class! A family member of the vineyard even ate lunch with us which was truly special .

An amazing experience!

Our group had a fantastic time! The location is beautiful, the wine is delicious, and the tour was informative and very knowledgeable of the history of the winery and region. I highly recommend this tour along with the food pairings for anyone visiting the region.

Amazing experience!

Really enjoyed the tour! The guide was extremely knowledgeable and engaging. The tasting was outside with a majestic view. And of course the wine was fantastic - had to order some to be shipped so we can continue to enjoy back home. Highly recommend this experience
Summer Tour and Tasting Experience - you are able to taste 5 wines - definitely worth it


Esperienza molto positiva visita della tenuta e della cantina con degustazione finale che oltre all'assaggio e alla spiegazione dei vari vini, tra l'altro ottimi,viene accompagnata con un tagliere di affettati tipici che fa davvero la differenza. Personale molto cordiale.. pomeriggio speso benissimo!!

Ottima esperienza

Accoglienza cordiale, la tenuta è stata egregiamente presentata attraverso la sua storia.
Successivamente la visita si è conclusa con la degustazione di tre dei loro vini presso l'adiacente vinsantaia.


Da consigliare!!

Professionalità e conduzione della degustazione di livello alto, esaurienti e complete le spiegazioni da parte del personale!!! Ottima accoglienza da parte dello staff!!! Da ritornarci!!!
Schreiben Sie Ihre Bewertung!

Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Kellertour & Verkostung auf dem Weingut Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €30.00
“Erlebe den Charme der tausendjährigen Geschichte von Capezzana durch ein einzigartiges sensorisches Erlebnis, das in der Verkostung von 3 Weinen gipfelt”
Thumbnail Weingutsbesichtigung und Verkostung auf dem Weingut Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €45.00
“Die ideale Reise, um das Weingut Capezzana vollständig zu erleben, gipfelt in der Verkostung von 5 Weinen des Weinguts”
Thumbnail Vertikale Weinprobe der Villa di Capezzana DOCG im Weingut Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 10
Von €60.00
“Lass dich bei einer geführten Verkostung von 4 Jahrgängen des Carmignano DOCG "Villa di Capezzana" von der Fähigkeit des Weins überraschen, den Test der Zeit zu bestehen”
Thumbnail Vertikale Weinprobe des supertuskischen "Ghiaie della Furba" auf dem Weingut Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €80.00
“Lass dich bei einer geführten Verkostung von 4 Jahrgängen des "Ghiaie della Furba" IGT von der Fähigkeit des Weins überraschen, den Test der Zeit zu bestehen”
Thumbnail Kochkurs & Mittagessen mit der Familie Contini Bonacossi auf der Tenuta di Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
7 Stunden 15 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum Nicht spezifiziert
Von €120.00
“Verbringe einen Tag damit, köstliche traditionelle Rezepte zu erlernen und genieße die Gerichte, die du zubereitet hast, gepaart mit den edlen Weinen des Weinguts”
Thumbnail Jeep Tour & Picknick auf der Tenuta di Capezzana
Carmignano, Prato
4 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 6
Von €100.00
“Bei dieser Tour für Liebhaber von Natur und gutem Wein kannst du in die toskanische Landschaft bei Capezzana eintauchen”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

At Capezzana, art, culture, oil and wines celebrated over the centuries compose an inimitable fresco. Capezzana is the story of a family that for generations has passed on from father to son the love and passion for producing high quality wine and oil. The first to fall in love with this world were Vittoria and Alessandro Contini Bonacossi, who created one of the most important Art Collections of the 20th century: part of this collection can now be visited at the Uffizi museum in Florence. It is the most important donation after that of the Electress Palatina. Their refined taste continues to animate Capezzana, where statues, furnishings, ceramics and paintings make the villa a residence that still retains a Renaissance flavour. "A magnificent and unique land that we want to leave intact to future generations".

At Capezzana, time seems never to have passed: a unique place, where the production of oil and wine has been inextricably linked to the territory for more than 1200 years, as testified by a parchment dated 804, preserved in the State Archives. preserved in the State Archives of Florence. On the hills north-west of Florence, the estate covers 650 hectares, 80 of which are planted with vines and 140 with olive trees. The geographical location between Montalbano and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines determines the particular microclimate of Capezzana: hot summer days followed by cool nights, a well-distributed rainfall throughout the year and constant ventilation.


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