
Da ripetere

Visita interessante, degustazione ottima, la persona che ci ha fatto da guida molto competente
Sarebbe bello assaggiare i vini che fermentano in fondo al mare


Very very good experience

The staff of Enoteca Bisson very professionale Andrea gently

Fausto Giuseppe

Esperienza ottima

Giro breve ma molto interessante e particolare, personale gentile e competente. La nostra degustazione prevedeva 5 calici e un po' di stuzzichini. Sul posto abbiamo poi aggiunto tagliere. Ottimi tutti i vini proposti e suggestiva la cantina.


Non avevamo mai fatto nulla di simile prima. Dopo questa esperienza ti accorgi che dietro ogni bottiglia c’è un mondo dietro di grandi idee, opportunità colte e grande coraggio.
Ì ragazzi dei professionisti. É stato divertente e soprattutto molto interessante. Consigliato!!
I ragazzi sono stati fantastici, molto presenti e preparati

Da rifare!

Visita alla cantina Bisson molto interessante. Personale preparato e molto gentile. Degustazione di tre vini con due taglieri: ottimi sia i vini che il cibo, soprattutto la focaccia alle olive!

Misleading description and offer in nice location

The winery is in a nice location, but the english speaking tour was unfortunately quite difficult to understand and seemed our guide lacked detail/accuracy knowledge of the wine making process etc. this is quite common in tastings, but still a bit disappointing. The wines we tasted were quite standard whites and reds that had basically the same production process. I had maybe expected a bit more when paying for a package to taste their “finest wines”. Upon request we got to taste a Grenache “reserve” from 2015 which was interesting to compare with the 2020 Grenache which was the last of the 5 wines in the tasting.
More detail and more structured tasting with a “special wine” at the end
Havard Liltved

Cantine degli abissi

Ottima esperienza super consigliata!
Vino di qualità e location meravigliosa


Très belle dégustation à Sestri Levante

Le lieu est magnifique, les vins sont très bons et charcuterie + fromage également.
Ils parlent très bien anglais.
Possibilité de manger ensuite sur place dans un très bel endroit !


Me and my friends, we had really good time! The girl was nice and all information was interesting to listen!
Also big advantage is that you have parking. We didn’t have any problems with it. The building inside and outside looks also great. Thank you for this experience!

Very nice winery tour

All-in-all, we had a lovely visit at the Bisson Winery where we learned about their interesting story and tasted some great wines. We just have a few suggestions for improvement, both for the booking website and the tour itself:
1) Based on the booking website, it is quite difficult to figure out exactly where the meeting point is. It would help a lot if the address was explicitly written on both the page and the booking confirmation.
2) Due to the above-mentioned address difficulties, another group was half an hour late for our tour so we were just waiting for them with nothing else to do. Luckily we didn't have any plans afterwards, otherwise this delay would have been even more unfortunate.
3) Because we weren't enough people on two tours, the English and Italian tours were combined, which unfortunately meant that the guide had to repeat everything (don't know why she didn't just do the whole tour in English and explain a few thing to the Italians if they didn't understand everything). This also took extra time, which we would have rather spent on the wine tasting.
4) Lastly, just a suggestion for Bisson: after such a nice wine tasting with great explanations about each wine, we were actually surprised that we didn't get any information about how to purchase the wine. It didn't seem like they really wanted to sell anything, which would just have been obvious to try :-)
¡Escribe tu opinión!

Reserva una experiencia

Thumbnail Cata de vinos sencilla en Bisson
Sestri Levante, Génova
1 Hora
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo No especificado
Desde €12.50
“Visita la bodega del abismo para una degustación de 2 de sus finos vinos maridados con delicias locales”
Thumbnail Cata de vinos clásicos en Bisson
Sestri Levante, Génova
1 Hora
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo No especificado
Desde €19.00
“Disfruta de una cata de 3 vinos premium Bisson mientras visitas su bodega del abismo”
Thumbnail Cata especial de vinos en Bisson
Sestri Levante, Génova
1 Hora 30 Minutos
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo No especificado
Desde €32.00
“Visita la bodega abisal de Bisson para una cata especial de 5 de sus mejores vinos”

Sobre la bodega y los vinos

"Tenía seis años. Un día, uno de mis compañeros de clase me invitó a unirme a la vendimia en el viñedo de sus padres. Subí rápidamente el empinado sendero con el corazón palpitante, no por el esfuerzo, sino por la emoción que sentía. Una vez allí, recogí muchos racimos y ayudé en el prensado manual. La recompensa por mi trabajo fue una hermosa cesta llena de uvas. Cuando llegué a casa, no había nadie. Aproveché la oportunidad y prensé las uvas en una olla grande y las escondí. Cada día repetía las mismas operaciones que había observado en la bodega de mi amigo. Cuando terminó la fermentación, vertí el vino en una botella a través de un colador y no pude resistir la tentación de probarlo. Mi madre notó el alcohol en mi aliento y tuve que confesar. Era inevitable un castigo justo, pero mientras tanto, había nacido mi primer vino" Pierluigi Lugano

Los vinos Bisson vieron la luz a principios de 1978, cuando Pierluigi Lugano, Maestro en Artes y sumiller de gran prestigio, consciente del potencial que escondían los robustos vinos ligures producidos por los agricultores locales, decidió arriesgarse en la explotación de las uvas procedentes de la costa oriental de Liguria. Empezó a comprar pequeños lotes de uva a los agricultores de todo el territorio y a producir vino en su propia bodega, intentando muchos experimentos con técnicas modernas de vinificación, para comprender cómo manejar adecuadamente las uvas locales. Los excelentes resultados obtenidos, llevaron al redescubrimiento de vinos autóctonos de Liguria que prácticamente habían desaparecido, como el "Bianchetta Genovese" y el "Ciliegiolo", y contribuyeron a la creación de nuevas inspiraciones como el "Musaico", un tinto de gran personalidad . Tras pasar varios años manipulando uvas compradas, se decidió plantar y cultivar viñedos personales para conseguir un control total del proceso de calidad de los vinos. El cultivo que conlleva una estricta limitación de pesticidas en los viñedos de Bisson es el reto que se persigue actualmente con gran convicción, con el objetivo de garantizar la calidad y autenticidad de sus productos.


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Parqueo gratuito

Venta de vino

Área de Reuniones/Congresos
