
Fay Visit

Lilliu Vinyard visit was great! We have done a lot of wine tours in many parts of the world and this ranks up towards the top! What made it great was that the “family” is involved in this operation from top to bottom. One of the owners met us and took us around the wine making operation. They were in the process of picking grapes and let us stay right there and watch the first step of getting the grapes de-stemmed and into the tank. She then took us on a “jeep” tour in a vintage Fiat and showed us around the town, which is beautiful! We then went up to the Vinyard’s on land that had been in her husbands family for many years. We walked around the fields, tasted grapes and received a great education. We saw all their olive trees. Throughout you could see her love for the land, the winemaking process and the pride in what their family does! We then had a great wine tasting with food pairing and some of their olive oil and that was great also. If you want a true wine/Vinyard experience with a hardworking family this is it! Nothing fake or commercial about it, just the real experience. We would recommend this tour to anyone! Also, the drive there was a beautiful drive winding through a lot of beautiful small towns and villages.

PS. We liked the wine so much we shipped some home to the US!

Heidi & Shawn
They need to promote themselves more so more people can enjoy their experience!

I wouldn’t change anything on the tour.


Respuesta de Cantina Lilliu

Thank you so mutch Mr e mrs Fay. It was a beutiful day! See you next time, Roberta e Pietro

Durante una degustazione mi sono imbattuto in...

Durante una degustazione mi sono imbattuto in un calice di cannonau di questa casa vitivinicola.un gran vino complimenti.
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Respuesta de Cantina Lilliu

Grazie Stefano, ti aspettiamo per una prossima volta! Roberta e Pietro

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Vini molto buoni e Nicoletta è stata di grandissima accoglienza.
Fuente google Antonio Venneri

Respuesta de Cantina Lilliu

Buongiorno, grazie! Un caro saluto, Roberta e Pietro
¡Escribe tu opinión!

Reserva una experiencia

Thumbnail ruta enogastronómica "Los Aromáticos" en la Cantina Lilliu de Marmilla
Gonnosno, Oristano
1 Hora 30 Minutos
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo 8
Desde €29.90
“Disfruta de una cata de dos vinos aromáticos de la bodega artesanal Cantina Lilliu, de 20 años de antigüedad, y súbete a bordo de un Fiat Campagnola de 1982”
Thumbnail Ruta enogastronómica "Los Blancos" en la Cantina Lilliu de Marmilla
Gonnosno, Oristano
1 Hora 30 Minutos
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo 8
Desde €29.90
“Disfruta de una cata de dos elegantes vinos blancos tranquilos de la bodega artesanal Cantina Lilliu, de 20 años de antigüedad, y disfruta de un recorrido por Ussaramanna”
Thumbnail Ruta del Vino de Añadas Históricas en la Cantina Lilliu de Marmilla
Gonnosno, Oristano
2 Horas 30 Minutos
Participantes: Mínimo 4, Máximo 8
Desde €89.00
“Saborea un trozo de nuestra historia. Veinte añadas no son muchas para una bodega, pero empiezan a describir una filosofía de producción original”
Thumbnail Picnic en el Viñedo de la Cantina Lilliu en Marmilla
Gonnosno, Oristano
1 Hora 30 Minutos
Participantes: Mínimo 2, Máximo No especificado
Desde €19.90
“¿Te gustaría disfrutar de una buena copa de vino con buena comida en medio del verdor, sentado en el césped o entre las hileras de viñas?”

Sobre la bodega y los vinos

Siamo Pietro e Roberta, due giovani imprenditori che hanno deciso di riprendere in mano il proprio futuro partendo dalla terra. Crediamo sia importante prendersi cura del territorio che ci circonda in modo da generare salute e benessere. Le vigne sono state impiantate nel 2000. Successivamente è nata la cantina e le prime produzioni. L’agricoltura sinergica applicata alla vigna è una naturale conseguenza dell’amore che abbiamo per la terra. Nel nostro lavoro cerchiamo di capire la natura. In cantina aiutiamo invece il vino a raggiungere la sua massima espressione facendo attenzione a non rovinare il fantastico prodotto che la terra ci ha generosamente offerto.