Ein Erlebnis buchen

Thumbnail Weintour & Weinprobe im Weingut Sandro de Bruno
Ronca, Verona (Soave)
1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minimum 2, Maximum 20
Von €34.50
“Besuche das Weingut Sandro de Bruno und probiere 3 seiner Etiketten zusammen mit einer Auswahl an lokalen Köstlichkeiten”
Thumbnail Soave Weinprobe im Weingut Sandro de Bruno
Montecchia di Crosara, Verona (Soave)
2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: Minimum 4, Maximum 20
Von €48.00
“Entdecke die Soave-Weine bei dieser Verkostung von 4 Sandro de Bruno Soave-Etiketten, gepaart mit lokalen Köstlichkeiten”

Über das Weingut und die Weine

The Sandro De Bruno Winery, run by Tasoniero Sandro and his wife Ferraretto Marina, was founded in 2002 with the aim of producing wines that best represent the vocation of the territory in which they are born. We are immersed in the area of Soave and Lessini Mountains, between Montecchia di Crosara and Terrossa di Roncà, volcanic lands and particularly suitable, which offer a spectacular view. Passion, dedication and respect for nature are the fundamental levers that guide the work, and the business and production processes. The Winery Sandro De Bruno wants to propose a personal and simple idea of wine, drawing from the territory all the peculiarities that the vine can give. In the cellar, as in the vineyard, it is guaranteed the maximum care and attention to the quality of the product, thus obtaining wines of long duration and in continuous improvement, able to excite over time.

Our wines are born from ancient volcanic soils, ripen thanks to the sun that warms the grapes and develop their aromas, rich in minerals, taking from the earth all the best it offers. Nature acts as a shield and pride, giving wines character and great charm. Time, dedication and passion are the elements that favor the best expression. They are versatile and long-lived... healthy, genuine and true wines!


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