Weingut Besichtigungen Marsala
Hier finden Sie eine Liste der besten Weingüter, die Sie in Marsala besuchen können. Sie können Ihren Weingut Besichtigung in Marsala auf Winedering.com online buchen, indem Sie die Weingüter auswählen, die mit dem "ONLINE BUCHEN!" Abzeichen gekennzeichnet sind!
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Donna Franca
(Weingut in Marsala)
Bietet 5 wine tastings und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €35.00
Das Baglio Donna Franca ist das Herz der sizilianischen Weinberge und das Symbol unseres Projekts zur Wiederentdeckung und Aufwertung unserer Geschichte und Kultur. Der Begriff "Baglio" kommt vom arabischen "bahal", was Hof bedeutet, und bezieht sich auf originelle architektonische Ausdrucksformen, die sich um einen Turm mit besonderen Verteidigungsanforderungen gruppieren. Das Bauwerk ist eine Oase der Ruhe inmitten ausgedehnter Weinberge. Ursprünglich im Besitz der Familie Florio, ist das Baglio heute ein exklusives Weinresort mit verschiedenen Zimmertypen, einem Restaurant, einem schönen Swimmingpool inmitten der Weinberge und einem beeindruckenden Keller.
Das Weingut wird vom Eigentümer selbst geleitet, Giacomo Ansaldi, der nicht nur ein renommierter Önologe ist, sondern auch die sizilianische Geschichte des Weinbaus und die sizilianische Identität erforscht. Er kümmert sich um die Weinberge, die für die Produktion von drei Bioweinen genutzt werden. Der raffinierte Weinkeller des Baglio Donnafranca ist ein Teil des Gebäudes, in dem Abfüllung und Verkostung in der gleichen Umgebung stattfinden.
Dies ist das "Herz" des Relais, wo die Gäste die modernen und effizienten Maschinen und den Keller, in dem die Eichenfässer gelagert werden, bewundern können. Die Philosophie des Produktionsprozesses ist es, das "Terroir" und die besonderen Eigenschaften der Trauben zu respektieren. Die Weine werden nicht durch eine bestimmte Rebsorte definiert, sondern durch die Einzigartigkeit des Ortes, an dem sie angebaut werden: das Endergebnis eines komplexen Weinerlebnisses, das in vollen Zügen genossen wird. Das Weingut Ansaldi ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Bedeutung und die lange Geschichte der Weinbautradition in dieser Region. Ein Besuch auf dem Weingut ist wie eine Reise durch ein wahres Weinmuseum. Weinliebhaber können an Weintouren teilnehmen, um die kulturellen Werte des Gebiets zu entdecken, Weinproben von Bioweinen, einschließlich des besonderen Perpetuo-Weins, genießen und an sizilianischen Kochkursen und Foodpairing teilnehmen.
Fabio Ferracane
(Weingut in Marsala)
Bietet 2 wine tastings und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €45.00
Die Geschichte des Weinguts von Fabio Ferracane ist tief in der Tradition und dem Familienerbe verwurzelt. Fabios Reise in die Welt des Weins begann in den 1990er Jahren, als sein Vater, der 3 Hektar Weinberg von Fabios Großvater geerbt hatte, ausschließlich Wein für den Familienverbrauch produzierte. Fabios erste Erfahrungen im Weinkeller im Alter von 15 Jahren, als er seinem Vater half, entfachten seine Leidenschaft für die Weinherstellung. Diese Leidenschaft führte dazu, dass er Önologie und Weinbau studierte und auf verschiedenen Weingütern, auch im Ausland, wertvolle Erfahrungen sammelte. Fabio merkte jedoch bald, dass seine Herangehensweise an die Weinherstellung anders war. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Winzern, die sich darauf konzentrieren, den Wein im Keller anzupassen und zu verändern, konzentriert sich Fabios Philosophie auf den Weinberg selbst. Seine Verbundenheit mit dem Land und den Reben steht im Mittelpunkt seiner Weinherstellung und macht seine Weine zu einem echten Ausdruck der Region Marsala, in der er lebt und arbeitet.
Caruso & Minini
(Weingut in Marsala)
Bietet 3 wine tastings und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €30.00
Caruso e Minini ist eine Partnerschaft zwischen zwei Familien, die das reiche weinbauliche Erbe der Familie von Stefano Caruso mit dem kommerziellen Know-how von Mario Minini verbindet. Aus dieser Zusammenarbeit, die 2004 in Marsala, Sizilien, begann, ist ein modernes Weingut entstanden, das in über 40 Länder exportiert. Das Weingut verbindet Tradition mit Innovation und wird heute von Stefanos Töchtern Giovanna und Rosanna geleitet, die das Familienerbe mit neuer Energie weiterführen. Ihr Ziel ist eine qualitativ hochwertige Produktion mit Respekt für das Land.
Alagna vini
(Weingut in Marsala)
Bietet 1 wine tasting und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €15.00
Das Weingut der Familie Alagna verbindet Tradition und Moderne bei der Herstellung von Weinen, die die reichen Aromen Siziliens verkörpern. Das in Marsala ansässige Weingut konzentriert sich auf den Anbau von einheimischen sizilianischen Rebsorten wie Zibibbo, Nero d'Avola, Grillo, Catarratto, Inzolia und Damaschino. Diese Sorten gedeihen im einzigartigen Mikroklima der Provinz Trapani, wo die Weinberge der Familie Alagna etwa 50 Hektar in Marsala, Mazara, Trapani und Salemi umfassen. Das Weingut kombiniert traditionelle Anbaumethoden wie den Spornschnitt mit modernen mechanischen Erntetechniken und minimiert dabei die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt.
Baglio Oro
(Weingut in Marsala)
The winery was founded by the tenacity of “Don Pino” man of old traditions, who passed onto his son Francesco and son-in-law Michele, the love for his land and for wine making.
In 2008, Michele Cottone and Francesco Laudicina revived the “old cellar” into a modern winery where technology and tradition have captured the energy and warmth of this terroir.
The winery is surrounded by 100 hectars of vineyards which have always been a part of the family. A careful viticulture is carried out in the our vineyards. Skilled hands continue to work the land with ancient tasks passed down to them by their ancestors. A perfect balance between tradition and innovation.
Cantine Pellegrino 1880
(Weingut in Marsala)
The history of Pellegrino is linked to that of Marsala wine. In fact, in 1880 the winery began making wine from the famous Sicilian wine in order to market it all over the world. Even today, in its historic cellars, over a thousand barriques and oak casks age the different types of Marsala for many years. The Pellegrino family has always personally managed activities in the vineyard and in the cellar, and even today, the seventh generation is involved in the company's management on a daily basis. A long family history of respect, care, love and dedication, of values handed down from father to son, which today make it one of the greatest Sicilian wine families. When you come to Marsala, from the winery's modern wine shop, called Ouverture, you enter the heart of Pellegrino, a place of hospitality, a gateway to the history of Marsala wine.
Mannirà Bio
(Weingut in Marsala)
The Mannirà winery extends among the gentle hills of the Marsala hinterland, an area that has always been devoted to the cultivation of the vine. The particular pedo-climatic conditions and the constant and passionate work of our vine-growers, together with the refined techniques of wine-making, allow to realize products of great value, appreciated and recognized on all markets. The origins of the company refer to the acquisitions that, over time, have allowed the creation of plants of considerable value, especially with regard to native varieties (Zibibbo, Grillo, Catarratto, Nero d'Avola and Pignatello).
Cantine Fici
(Weingut in Marsala)
Cantine Fici is active in the production and sale of table wines and special wines like Marsala, fortified and flavored.
The company is dynamic, characterized by an efficient and well organized sales force, able to tackle properly the problems of the market.
The Cantine Fici products are dedicated to those who have chosen a healthy and natural diet, without foregoing the traditional flavors of Sicilian wine culture. Absolute respect for traditional recipes, the painstaking selection of raw materials, half-craft processing methods, a continuous quality control at every stage of the manufacturing process let the company make products that can be considered excellent.
Cantine Fina
(Weingut in Marsala)
“Character” is the password of Bruno Fina and his family. Fina’s wines are the result of a land that is loved and fought for, they have the taste of the passion and of that grapes that have been wisely turned into wine, thanks to the dedication of the work in the vineyard.
They have the familiar warmth and the experience of who has always done wine and has always know how to narrate it. This is how you transmit the hereditary character of the territory and the harmony of the men that search for excellence on a daily basis.
Azienda Agricola Rallo
(Weingut in Marsala)
Our name is Vesco, our winery Rallo.
We produce wines, mostly white generous and essential wines. We love fresh, fragrant aromas and elegant fruit. We cultivate vines, wheat and olive trees in different locations of western Sicily, between Alcamo, Marsala and the Pantelleria Island, all within the Trapani province. We insist upon, beginning from ourselves, a responsible approach with the territory, we love the environment, sustainability and balance in all matters. All our wines are produced in respect of the cycle of the seasons and all are organic.
Curatolo Arini
(Weingut in Marsala)
The history of our family is all about ties. Ties to the previous generations that have bravely walked on the path paved by the founder’s vision; ties to our territory with which we proudly share history and old traditions and finally, ties with all the women and men that for nearly 150 years have contributed with their work and dedication to make all this possible. In particular, our story begins in 1875 when Vito Curatolo Arini decided to build a winery in the middle of his vineyards in Marsala. From the very beginning, the quality of the product, the development towards foreign markets, and the extreme attention to packaging were his focus. Thanks to the collaboration of commercial experts, the founder managed to exploit the potential of his vineyards and started the production of Marsala. In the XIX century, the winery expanded internationally and became one of the first exporting companies in Marsala shipping wines to Europe and the Americas. The numerous goals achieved show our good entrepreneurial skills and the excellent quality of products.
In 1896, after Vito's death, the winery was carried on by his successors, who have proudly managed to spread the name of the company and its quality products. Today, our winery continues to produce Marsala following ancient traditions and table wine with indigenous grapes exploiting all the unique characters and flavours of Sicilian terroirs. The success achieved over the years still makes the Curatolo Arini company one of the first wine exporters of the country.
MALTESE Cantina Storica
(Weingut in Marsala)
Immerse yourself in a historic and loving peasant family that has been cultivating their own vineyards for 6 generations ...
The sun, the sea, the mineral soils, are those elements that have allowed us to carry on this dream.
Like the always fermenting must air, we build and innovate our path.
(Weingut in Marsala)
While studying archeology Michelangelo Alagna dreamt of something else. He puts his studies on hold to follow his true passion for winemaking. Michelangelo took a degree in enology and started Anabasis after some years of work experience.
The 15 hectares of vineyard are located close to the coast in the Marsala region. Only indigenous varieties are cultivated to bring the best out of the region through wine.
Michelangelo applies his knowledge of classical studies when creating the company. Naming the company and labels of the wines are indeed Greek inspired.
The approach to winemaking is low intervention. None of the wines go through oxidation as it pulls out the fragrance. Katharsis and Pathei Mathos are unfiltered and the rest are light filtered. Michelangelo considers his wine Natural Wine, however not to the extreme.
Wines from Sicily are some of the most unique and fragrant in the world. For example, white wines go from being fruity to minerally, showing some salty traits. The terroir combined with the sea and heat shape the wines of Anabasis.
Azienda Agricola Millami
(Weingut in Marsala)
La cantina di famiglia rinasce nel 2023 dalle antiche mura della cantina di mio nonno Diego. Lui tra queste stesse mura ha vinificato per più di 40 anni fino alla fine degli anni '90. Cantina con struttura tipica delle campagne Marsalesi, circondata dall'uliveto e dal tipico giardino di famiglia (arance mandarini, fico, fichi d'india, pere locali, melograni..). Non mancano le api e quindi il miele di zagara. Completa il tutto il piccolo laghetto di famiglia e le galline da allevamento all'aperto per la produzione di uova Bio.
The family winery was reborn in 2023 from the ancient walls of my grandfather Diego's cellar. He made wine within these same walls for more than 40 years until the end of the 1990s. A cellar with a structure typical of the Marsala countryside, surrounded by olive groves and the typical family garden (mandarin oranges, figs, prickly pears, local pears, pomegranates...). There is no shortage of bees and hence orange blossom honey. Everything is completed by the family's small pond and free-range hens for the production of organic eggs.
Mehr Informationen über Marsala
Welche Weingut Besichtigungen gibt es in Marsala?
Hier sind die besten Weingut Besichtigungen in Marsala:
- Fabio Ferracane
- Donna Franca
- Alagna vini
- Caruso & Minini
- Baglio Oro
- Cantine Pellegrino 1880
- Mannirà Bio
- Cantine Fici
Wo kann man in Marsala Weinproben machen?
Hier sind die besten Weinproben in Marsala:
- Degustazione e pranzo in cantina presso Donna Franca
- Pic nic nei vigneti di Ferracane Fabio a Marsala
- Aperitivo al tramonto presso la Cantina Donna Franca
- Degustazione di vini al tramonto e tour presso la cantina Ferracane Fabio a Marsala
- Degustazione plus presso la Tenuta Donna Franca
- Alla scoperta della tradizione del Marsala da Alagna Vini
- Pani e Tumazzo: degustazione di vini e formaggi presso Caruso & Minini a Marsala
- Degustazione classica presso la Tenuta Donna Franca