Cantine da visitare Aosta
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Azienda vinicola La Source
(Cantina in Aosta)
Offre 3 degustazioni e visita alla cantina da €60.00
L'Azienda Agricola La Source nasce nel 2003, per volontà di alcuni giovani agricoltori, con diverse esperienze nel campo agricolo e soprattutto nella produzione di vino, nonché discendenti di famiglie valdostane dedite all'agricoltura da generazioni. Attualmente l'azienda è di proprietà della famiglia Celi-Cuc e Stefano Celi ne è l'anima. Nato nel 1971, diplomato come agronomo presso l'Istituto Salesiano di Lombriasco, discendente di una famiglia valdostana dedita all'agricoltura da generazioni, dopo altre esperienze lavorative ed essere sempre stato un agricoltore part-time, dal 2005 si è dedicato a tempo pieno all'attività agricola e in particolare alla viticoltura. La cantina ha un'estensione di circa 6,5 ettari (12,5 acri) di vigneti specializzati DOC. La cura dei vigneti è seguita dal proprietario che sceglie le migliori tecniche agronomiche per avere vigneti che esprimano al meglio le loro potenzialità.
Azienda Agricola Lo Triolet
(Cantina in Aosta)
Lo Triolet winery is located in Introd where the Martin family runs the winery and a small holiday farm housed in an old building dating back to 1656.
Lo Triolet was born in 1993 by combining the experience and expertise gained by Marco while working as viticulture technician for the Regional Government and his family’s passion for winegrowing.
The idea of replanting an old vineyard located at an altitude of 900 meters, to replace the Petit Rouge with an early grape variety such as Pinot Gris, was a decisive factor in achieving immediate and successful results and, thus, new vineyards were planted, covering up to five hectares. As a consequence, total production went from 1,000 bottles to the current 42,000.
The winery’s vineyards are located near the towns of Introd, Villeneuve and Nus, at an altitude of 600 to 900 meters.
The vineyards are planted in sandy soil of morainic origin rich in mineral constituents. The savoury, fresh and elegant wines express the essence of the mountain terroir. The grapes, during the ripening stage, benefit from the high day/night temperature range which contributes to the wine’s aromatic complexity.
The management of the vineyards is based on the use of compost combined with the limited use of plant protection products, according to the principles of integrated pest management and with due respect for the environment and the product.
Cave Des Onze Communes Societa' Cooperativa
(Cantina in Aosta)
Let yourself be brought among the Alpine peaks, in a corner of paradise where past, present and future mix to give wines of undisputed excellence produced by the Cave des Onze Communes.
Immersed in the heart of the Alps, at the foot of Mont Blanc, the Aosta Valley offers a breathtaking panorama where culture, tradition and food and wine blend perfectly to create unique and refined products. The Cave des Onze Communes was born here, a winery that boasts one of the highest wine production in Europe, thanks to the 60 hectares of vineyards, extremely parceled out, distributed over 11 Municipalities: Quart, Saint-Christophe, Aosta, Sarre , Saint Pierre, Villeneuve, Introd, Aymavilles, Jovençan, Gressan, Charvensod. Located à l'Adret and à l'Envers of the Dora Baltea, the countries listed touch altitudes that reach between 550 and 900 meters above sea level, giving vineyards of extraordinary beauty but extremely impervious, where it is impossible to mechanize, thus telling decades of stories of fatigue and sweat and making the Aosta Valley viticulture rare of its kind.
Maison Agricole D&D di Dellio Daniela
(Cantina in Aosta)
Maison Agricole D&D is a small farm founded in 2002 with the aim of maintaining the family land and recovering abandoned plots on the Aosta hill; where a piece of history and culture handed down for centuries would have dozed off.
The family-run company is located on the orographic left of the municipality of Aosta and has resumed the work done by the grandparents who, at the beginning of the 1900s, cultivated the vine and then by the parents who participated in the first in the 70s displays of DOC wines Valle d'Aosta, with an increase in surface area of around 3,000 m2. to the current 3 hectares
Château Feuillet - Azienda Agricola Fiorano Maurizio
(Cantina in Aosta)
This small winery of just four hectares lies in the heart of the Torrette production area, in Saint-Pierre, just outside Aosta.
The vineyards are all on the left-hand side of the Dora Baltea river at an altitude of 650 to 850 metres above sea level, therefore with perfect exposure to the south.
The winery was founded in 1997 by Maurizio Fiorano, who, in only a few years, has expanded and renewed the vineyards from 5.000 sqms to the current 40.000 sqms. All is newly equipped, but the method follows the vine and wine production tradition begun by grandfather Tinet in the ‘60s. It was originally meant for producing wine for friends and family only.
Grosjean Vins
(Cantina in Aosta)
In Famiglia si tramanda che era circa il 1781 quando, da Fornet, piccolo villaggio della Valgrisenche, oggi riemerso dal bacino di Beauregard, i nostri avi materni cominciarono a scendere fin qui ad Ollignan per rifornirsi del vino e delle castagne, indispensabili per superare i lunghi inverni montani. Erano i difficili anni della “piccola era glaciale” e gli alimenti che questa cascina forniva erano l’unico sostentamento per quelle umili e povere genti di montagna.
Ereditati i terreni dalla moglie, fu poi nel 1968 che nonno Dauphin iniziò ad imbottigliare il proprio vino per presentarlo alla "II Exposision des Vins du Val d'Aoste": il successo di questa fiera stimolò l'iniziatica che potò l'azienda del Nnonnno dai 3000 mq di vigneto agli attuali 120.000. Negli anni successivi furono coinvolti tutti i 5 figli: VIncent, Giorgio, Marco, Fernando ed Eraldo ognuno responsabile di un determinato settore. Una nuova cantina fu costruita nel 2000 per poter accogliere le vendemmie sempre più ricche ed abbondanti.
Nel 2011 il salto di qualità: di comune accordo si optò per la conversione Biologica, prima e, per il momento, unica cantina valdostana.
Nel 2015 un ulteriore lavoro di ammodernamento ha permesso di ingrandire la cantina per accogliere tutte le 140.000 bottiglie prodotte.
Ed è così che, all'alba del 2018, questo ottimo esempio di rinnovata viticoltura valdostana di eccelleza passa nelle mani della terza generazione Grosjean: Hervé, SImon, Mathieu, Didier, Josianne ed il genero Marco hanno ereditato il mandato.
Azienda Agricola Pianta Grossa di Luciano Zoppo Ronzero
(Cantina in Aosta)
"We are one of the youngest wineries in the Aosta Valley, but we have solid and ancient roots "
For almost 400 years, a chestnut had grown in a courtyard, becoming larger and large. This is why this farmhouse had always been known as Pianta Grossa, Large Plant.
In the wines of Pianta Grossa the stature and strength of that old horse chestnut are reflected.
(Cantina in Aosta)
We are a small winery in the Aosta Valley. The company was born in 2018 by the will of few friends. We have always followed the organic and biodynamic method (since we started working the vineyards in 2015). Our philosophy is "less is more": reducing interventions to a minimum, so that nature can take its course, only by accompanying it. We focus a lot on eco-sustainability and on making our way of working known through visits. All the tasks are carried out by hand or by a draft horse called "Lupo".
(Cantina in Aosta)
The Grosjeans have always tended their vineyards with total respect for nature, so much so that they could be said to have practised organic farming even before the parameters of organic farming were well defined, thus becoming the first winery in Valle d'Aosta to obtain organic certification. Today they still manage their almost 18 hectares of vineyards with the same philosophy, from which they produce 180,000 bottles. What makes their wine cellar a point of reference in the Vallée wine scene is the exceptional quality of their whites and reds, but the sparkling wines are also worthy of note.
What characterises all the wines of the wine cellar, in addition to the quality of the wines, is their characterisation based on mountainous terrain and heroic viticulture, where work in the vineyard is carried out almost exclusively by hand.
Maggiori informazioni su Aosta
Quali cantine visitare in Aosta?
Ecco le migliori cantine da visitare in Aosta:
- Azienda vinicola La Source
- Azienda Agricola Lo Triolet
- La Kiuva
- Azienda Vitivinicola SELVE vino naturale
- Cave Des Onze Communes Societa' Cooperativa
- Maison Agricole D&D di Dellio Daniela
- Château Feuillet - Azienda Agricola Fiorano Maurizio
- Grosjean Vins
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