
Esperienza straordinaria

Ho prenotato una degustazione in verticale per 2 di Barolo .. è la prima volta in assoluto che assaggiando i vini,mi piacciono tutti ..
Professionalità,competenza,simpatia ..
Tutto a dir poco meraviglioso,ci siamo trovati benissimo,complimenti davvero,non mancherà l’occasione per ritornare a trovarvi con immenso piacere


Alessandro ha una anima esplosiva, ed è un uomo che ama davvero la sua terra e la conosce meglio di chiunque altro; grazie a questo amore e alla grande esperienza produce vini piemontesi di alta qualità!

Alessandro, e tutto il team dell'azienda sono...

Alessandro, e tutto il team dell'azienda sono stupendi. Che accoglienza ragazzi! Innamoratami l'anno scorso di Barolo Lazzarito e Barbaresco, sabato mi sono innamorata di Nascetta e Barbera d'Alba Leonilde... profumi ed eleganza come sempre. GRAZIE!!!
Source: google Valeria Bugni

Accoglienza fantastica, una passione del vino che...

Accoglienza fantastica, una passione del vino che c'è stato trasmesso molto tra una degustazione in questa cantina. Colpo di cuore per il Barbera Leonilde ed il Barolo Lazzarito. Grazie Alessandro!
Source: google Dario Andreani
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Book an Experience

Thumbnail Classic Wine Tasting with 3 Wines at Alessandro Rivetto in La Morra
La Morra, Cuneo (Langhe)
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Participants: Minimum 1, Maximum 40
From €35.00
“A journey to discover our "everyday wines" starting from the minerality of the white wines to the complexity of the reds.”
Thumbnail Tasting Shades of Nebbiolo at Alessandro Rivetto Winery in La Morra
La Morra, Cuneo (Langhe, Barolo, Barbaresco)
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Participants: Minimum 1, Maximum 40
From €40.00
“The most renowned grape variety of our territory. Through the various vintages you will discover this noble wine in its various nuances.”
Thumbnail Barbaresco and Barolo Tasting at Alessandro Rivetto Winery in La Morra
La Morra, Cuneo (Langhe, Barolo, Barbaresco)
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Participants: Minimum 1, Maximum 40
From €50.00
“Our most prestigious labels, rich in history, tradition, nobility and pride, with unique characteristics thanks to their different terroirs.”
Thumbnail Barolo Vertical Wine Tasting at Alessandro Rivetto in La Morra
La Morra, Cuneo (Langhe, Barolo)
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Participants: Minimum 1, Maximum 40
From €90.00
“The most renowned wine of our territory. A path through the different vintages, you will discover the nuances of the noblest of Nebbiolo!”

About Winery and Wines

A passion for wine and a long experience in the field, developed over a lifetime of learning and observation, are the most important parts of my personal story. They are also essential traits of the Azienda Agricola Alessandro Rivetto. My grandfather Ercole introduced me to the vineyards and cellars, as did my great-grandfather Giovanni before him. Thanks to them, I began this love story and lifelong passion with wine. Ercole had strong ties to his territory of origins. He knew how to transform his father’s intuition and use it as a launching point to explore new productive possibilities. But more than anything else, he gave me the pleasure of working with a smile. I also learnt this from him: to love what I do and do what I love, bringing a smile to people I meet and those who taste my wine. I found this same spirit, stubborn yet lighthearted, mindful but not too serious, in 2012 in my business partner Alessandro Bonelli, an enologist, who tends to all technical aspects of the winery’s production today. I also found it in Mauro Adriano, who added his extensive knowledge of the international market when he joined us. We form a team that carries the project of a dream that began when I was just a child, one that I’ve followed for over twenty years of work in my professional life: to produce wines that excite through telling consumers about how they are made from hard work, pleasure, and an inclination for sharing. For us, that dream today is a compelling exploration of what our vineyards are able to offer us, year after year. But it is also the challenge that we set ourselves for new clients who discover and appreciate our wines in every angle of the world. Because we’re certain that beyond growing vines, we enjoying cultivating wonder and the genuine smile that our work gives us.

We produce whites and reds, as long as they are typical from the Langhe area. Between the whites you will find the new Langhe Nascetta (produced just in Novello) and of course the classic Langhe Arneis (our 'Matirè'). Between the reds you will taste the most famous structured wines the piedmontese hills can produce: we go from the easy Dolcetto d'Alba, to the Barbera (and we would like to introduce you to our special Barbera d'Alba Leonilde...), to the Langhe Nebbiolo, the Barbaresco, finishing of course with our three Barolo: Barolo Village, Barolo del comune di Serralunga and our cru Barolo Lazzarito. Last but not least let's not forget our sweet Moscato d'Asti...


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