Popular places in Rignano sull'Arno

  • Bombone
Main image of Pagnana (Chianti) not found Book Winery Visit

(Winery in Rignano sull'Arno)

Provides 2 wine tastings and winery visit from €59.00
Pagnana is just 15km from Florence, immersed in the delightful panoramas of the Chianti Florentine Hills on the western edges of the famous zone known worldwide for its wines and therefore the highest expression of Chianti. We are at an altitude between 200 and 250 meters above sea level. Roughly 30 hectares of vineyards with a good temperature range and plots exposed eastwards and southeast, and approximately 40 hectares of olive groves, as well as fields and woods making up a total of 240 hectares. The production of wine and oil is part of the cultural traditions of this territory and at Pagnana is conducted by the Breschi Family which, for over 50 years, has been dedicated towards labels of quality following sustainable agriculture together with an enology respectful of modern but, not stereotypical, practices as well as recognizable soil and climatic characteristics. In recent years three women of the family, covering three generations, have committed to introducing a more feminine outlook while still respecting and exalting those features which have distinguished Pagnana over time: a love for the land, tradition and also innovation. The agricultural activity is balanced with a flourishing hospitality side: an Agritourism diffuso as well as a wedding location amongst the most romantic in the Tuscan hills.    
Main image of Fattoria Torre a Cona Book Winery Visit

Fattoria Torre a Cona
(Winery in Rignano sull'Arno)

5 (1 Review)
Provides 2 wine tastings and winery visit from €35.00
Torre a Cona is a historic wine estate located in the hills of Florence, just 10 kilometers from the city's center. Owned by the Rossi di Montelera counts, this 18th-century estate is surrounded by Chianti vineyards and olive groves. The estate has a deep-rooted history in grape cultivation, which has been revitalized by the current owners, giving new life to this ancient tradition.
Main image of Il Frassine

Il Frassine
(Winery in Rignano sull'Arno)

Cantina in stile autentico toscano,con travi a vista e botti in legno di rovere.tavoli in massello per degustazioni.il sapore autentico della Toscana,quella vera.La villa dove si trova la cantina e' appartenuta al fisico nucleare Enrico Fermi di cui esiste ancora la camera.   i proprietari sono gente semplice e genuina .Luigi adesso ha 80 anni e ne ha trascorsi 70 in questa villa gestendo alla vecchia maniera la sua fattoria con amore e dedizione.Paolo e'il nostro assaggiatore di vini,persona attenta e responabile e grande inteditore di vino.

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