Weingut Besichtigungen Gorizia
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Beliebte Reiseziele in Gorizia
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Bietet 1 wine tasting und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €35.00
Unser Weingut Pintar liegt in der malerischen Region Collio in Friaul-Julisch Venetien, in der Nähe der Stadt Gorizia, und produziert seit fünf Generationen Weine in Familienbesitz. Das Weingut liegt in dem charmanten Dorf San Floriano del Collio an der historischen Weinstraße, die San Floriano mit Cormons verbindet. Unser Weingut ist traditionsbewusst und setzt gleichzeitig auf moderne Weinbereitungstechniken. Die einzigartige Kombination aus reichlich Sonnenschein und den besonderen Böden der Region ermöglicht es uns, außergewöhnliche Weißweine und eine erlesene Auswahl an Rotweinen zu produzieren. Zu Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends haben wir unser Know-how um die Herstellung von Schaumweinen nach der traditionellen Methode erweitert. Nach dem Beitritt Sloweniens zur Europäischen Union im Jahr 2004 haben wir unser Angebot um einen grenzüberschreitenden Wein erweitert, für den wir Trauben aus unseren Weinbergen auf beiden Seiten der Grenze verwenden. Wir bei Pintar sind stolz darauf, die reiche Geschichte unseres Landes mit Innovationen zu verbinden und Weine zu erzeugen, die das Wesen der Region Collio widerspiegeln.
Cantina Turus
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Bietet 1 wine tasting und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €20.00
Die Cantina Turus, ein kleines familiengeführtes Weingut in Mossa (Gorizia), hat sich der Herstellung von Naturweinen in kleinen Mengen verschrieben.
Das Weingut wird von Simone Turus geleitet, der den gesamten Weinherstellungsprozess von der Rebe bis zur Flasche sorgfältig überwacht und sich dabei an alte Traditionen hält. Mit großem Respekt vor der Natur und der Verpflichtung zu minimalen Eingriffen verkörpert die Cantina Turus den Geist der authentischen Weinherstellung. Das Weingut ist bekannt für sein Engagement, das lokale Weinerbe zu bewahren und gleichzeitig einzigartige, ausdrucksstarke Weine zu erzeugen, die das Terroir der Region Gorizia widerspiegeln.
Borgo San Daniele
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Bietet 1 wine tasting und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €25.00
Eingebettet zwischen den Flüssen Judrio und Isonzo gedeiht Borgo San Daniele im Einklang mit der umgebenden Natur. Das Weingut liegt inmitten von Wäldern, Wiesen und einer unberührten Landschaft, die das Ethos des umweltfreundlichen Weinbaus widerspiegeln, von dem sich das Weingut seit seiner Gründung leiten lässt. Auf dem Weingut wird nach den Grundsätzen der Nachhaltigkeit und des Umweltschutzes produziert, wobei jede Entscheidung sorgfältig kalkuliert wird, um begrenzte, aber raffinierte Flaschen zu erzeugen. Durch die Beibehaltung traditioneller Weinbereitungstechniken wie Grünschnitt, einheimische Hefen und Handlese will Borgo San Daniele das natürliche Gleichgewicht des Bodens erhalten und sicherstellen, dass jede Flasche die einzigartige Seele des Terroirs widerspiegelt. Seit 1990 setzt das Weingut auf umweltfreundliche Praktiken und erzeugt Weine, die nicht nur die friaulische Landschaft, sondern auch die Erinnerungen und die Geschichte des Landes widerspiegeln.
Mario Schiopetto
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Bietet 2 wine tastings und Weingut Besichtigungen ab €50.00
Das Weingut Schiopetto, eines der bekanntesten Weingüter im Friaul, ist seit seiner Gründung ein Symbol für die hervorragende Qualität der italienischen Weinherstellung. Im Herzen der Region Collio gelegen, war Schiopetto ein Pionier bei der Umgestaltung der lokalen Weinherstellung, indem er Reinheit, Präzision und eine tiefe Verbundenheit mit dem Terroir betonte. Der Gründer des Weinguts, Mario Schiopetto, war ein Visionär, der in den 1960er Jahren die italienischen Weißweine revolutionierte, indem er moderne Techniken einführte, die die aromatischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften der Trauben verbesserten. Heute ist Schiopetto nach wie vor in Familienbesitz und verpflichtet sich, Marios Vermächtnis von Qualität, Innovation und Respekt vor dem Land zu bewahren. Die Weinberge des Weinguts, die sich über die sanften Hügel des Friauls erstrecken, bieten ideale Bedingungen für den Anbau einheimischer Rebsorten, die das einzigartige Terroir und Klima der Region widerspiegeln.
Tenuta Luisa
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Everything began with our great-grandfather, Francesco Luisa, and his small five-hectare plot of land: it was 1907. Then came our grandfather Delciso, the only son of six children to carry on the family farm. And then Eddi, our father, who at the age of 13 decided to fully commit to wine making and viticulture transforming and developing the winery and estate into the Tenuta Luisa it is now. Assisted by our mother, Nella, he continues to work alongside us in the family business, and his contribution is very precious.
As for us, Davide and Michele, we bring a sense of experimentation and the knowledge we have gained during our studies. Davide is an agronomist and manages the vineyards. Michele, skilled oenologist, is in charge of the winery. The two approaches to winemaking combined with the age-old rural know-how have allowed us to achieve wines of superb quality earning some of the most prestigious awards in the sector.
Today, with the fifth generation on the rise, we proudly look back at our past and are happy to tell the story of our family. A lifelong story of passion and enthusiasm, courage and farsightedness, and finally of faith and sharing the same values. The family history.
Norina Pez
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Our family has been devoting itself to the production of excellent wines for nearly a century. The estate is located in Dolegna del Collio, an ideal land for winegrowing. The entire production is given the utmost care and dedication, from the land activity, through low production, to the wine-making, exclusively from our own grapes. In each glass of wine, you will taste all our passion and love for this work and the respect for our land.
Venica & Venica di Gianni e Giorgio Venica
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Our history began in Mernico, a tiny village of 30 people just 3 kilometers from Dolegna del Collio where great-grandfather Daniele was born on March 9th 1898. He was the 2nd male of 11 children in a big farming family. Daniele was born and raised as an Austrian but on the February 6th 1930 he bought a small house and a hill in Dolegna del Collio. A few months later he became father of Adelchi, the only male of 3 children. After the war the property was a farm where vines and fruit trees were grown together biologically. The farm sustained the family's needs first and the excess was sold to restaurants in Udine and Cividale. For years Daniele and Adelchi worked together buying and working abandoned vineyards, experimenting to find the perfect combinations of vine and vineyard and creating a peculiar mosaic of microclimates surrounded by forest. Adelchi then had two sons, Gianni and Giorgio. They continued the viticultural philosophy of their parents and decided to maintain the same respectful approach. In the last three decades they developed ways to express in the cellar that peculiar sense of site that our wines are able to communicate but -the last sentence was cut off on the site.
Villa Russiz
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Villa Russiz was founded on 15 February 1868 with the marriage of Elvine Ritter von Zahony to Theodor de La Tour. Elvine’s dowry, Villa Russiz, turns out to be an area which is still particularly conducive to the cultivation of vines and for producing wines of an exceptional quality.
Today, the passion for wine-making is stronger than ever at Villa Russiz. 50 of the 100 hectares that make up the estate are cultivated as vineyards, rewarding this same passion with exceptional, elegant wines.
The Villa Russiz Foundation red and white wines, made with autochthonous and international varietals, are constantly highlighted and continue to win recognition from prestigious guides and magazines in Italy and abroad.
Azienda Agricola Russiz Superiore
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Marco Felluga and Russiz Superiore are two of the most prestigious wineries of Collio region: they have an enduring relationship with the wine - began over a century ago, in the second half of 1800, in Istria - that can be considered a true dynasty of winemakers, that has been able to exploit the potential of some varieties and territories suited to the vine.
In the 30’s, after the World War I, Giovanni Felluga decided to move to Friuli and more precisely, in the Collio. Marco, the penultimate of his seven children, continued the family business and in 1956 he founded the company which has his name. Thanks to him, who trained as a young man at the prestigious school of oenology of Conegliano, we have the path of innovation, quality and research.
The balance managed between innovation and tradition have made his company a benchmark for the entire territory. Today, his son continues on the path of absolute quality: Roberto represents the fifth generation of winemakers and leads both companies, Marco Felluga in Gradisca d'Isonzo (Gorizia) and Russiz Superiore in Capriva del Friuli (Gorizia).
Amandum di Dai Morars s.s.
(Weingut in Gorizia)
Gorizia is situated between the natural and ancient valleys of Isonzo and Vipacco. Sheltered to the North by the majestic Julian Alps and in uenced by the nearby Adriatic Sea, bordered by the Isonzo River, overlooking the gentle Isonzo’s plain.
Overtime the green Isonzo river, in remote ages, crea- ted and shaped this territory, offering unique features to the vine.
The family has worked this delighted land with passion for three generations.
In the exclusive preserve of men, it was a courageous women by the name of Bianca that began arming the land.
And after her, came the daughter that went by the name of Anna, and without fear, she travelled on new paths to relaunch and expand the family business. Now is the turn of the grandchildren, Enrico and Carlo Alberto Agostinis, to apply the same richness and passion to those that preceded them.
And it is to the memory and love of our mother and grandmother that we dedicate the name of the line of wines known as Amandum.
Mehr Informationen über Gorizia
Welche Weingut Besichtigungen gibt es in Gorizia?
Hier sind die besten Weingut Besichtigungen in Gorizia:
- Mario Schiopetto
- Pintar
- Borgo San Daniele
- Cantina Turus
- Tenuta Luisa
- Norina Pez
- Keber Edi
- Castello di Spessa
Wo kann man in Gorizia Weinproben machen?
Hier sind die besten Weinproben in Gorizia:
- Degustazione in relax da Pintar nel cuore del Collio
- Degustazione di vini naturali presso la Cantina Turus a Gorizia
- Degustazione guidata a Borgo San Daniele
- Degustazione di vini del Collio e visita alla storica cantina Mario Schiopetto
- Degustazione di vini Collio tra storia e modernità alla Cantina Mario Schioppetto