Wine Holidays Itria Valley
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More information on Itria Valley
Located south of Bari, in Apulia, the territory of the Itria Valley is characterized by gentle hills kissed by the sun and dotted with long rows of vineyards, olive groves and trulli, traditional dry stone huts. Scattered across the Itria Valley, you will also find some special wineries that you can visit for a wine tasting tasting of local wines.
Your wine tastings in Itria Valley will give you the opportunity to taste some very characteristic white wines. In fact, the wine-growing area of Itria Valley is mainly home to white grape varieties, as opposed to the territory of High Murgia, where mainly red wines are produced. The characteristic clayey-calcareous red soil found in the valley represents an ideal substrate for white grape vines, helping the grapes develop sophisticated aromas and a good degree of acidity.
Which food to taste in Itria Valley?
Wine tastings in Itria Valley will often be paired with a selection of products from the territory, giving you a chance to discover some local flavors. Nevertheless, we recommend visiting a typical restaurant to better explore the cuisine of the area. Make sure to try gnummareddi (flavorful meat rolls which contain lamb or veal offal), frittata di lampascioni (local onions frittata), orecchiette con cime di rapa (pasta with broccoli rabe), Martina Franca’s capocollo (a local cold cut made with pork loin and marinated in vincotto).
Which wines to taste in Itria Valley?
During your winery visits in Itria Valley, you’ll be able to walk along the rows of vines and get to know the different grape varieties that are found in this area. The most widespread local varieties include Verdeca, Bianco d’Alessano, Impigno, Francavidda and Minutolo. The most common black grape variety is instead Ottanaviello.
Which is the best season to visit Itria Valley?
Wine tastings and visits to Itria Valley’s wineries can be organized during every season, just like its territory can be appreciated all year long. Every year, during summer, the Festival of the Itria Valley takes place, bringing together music and theatre lovers from all across Europe.
What things to do in Itria Valley?
Besides discovering the wine traditions of the Itria Valley during your wine tastings, take some time to discover what else this dreamy destination has to offer. Some highlights of the territory include Alberobello, also known as the city of trulli, Locorotondo, Cisternino, Martina Franca, Ostuni, the caves of Castellana.
Which wineries to visit in Itria Valley?
Here are the top wineries to visit in Itria Valley:
- Cantina Masseria Torricella
- Cantine Polvanera
- Tenuta Santoro
- Cantina Museo ALbea
- Cardone Vini Classici Srl
- I Pàstini
- Trulli il Castagno
Where to do wine tastings in Itria Valley?
Here are the best wine tastings to book in Itria Valley:
- Wine Experience Completa presso Masseria Torricella
- Wine Experience Classica presso Masseria Torricella
- Tour in vigna, cantina e degustazione di vini con aperitivo presso la Tenuta Santoro a Ostuni
- Degustazione Olio Extravergine Di Oliva In Masseria
- Wine Experience: Dalla Vite al Calice
- Degustazione di vini presso Albea in Valle d'Itria
- Street Food Tour guidato di Polignano a Mare
- Wine Experience nella Valle d'Itria